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Give it a rest will you,you've had the points you raised shown to be wrong,as usual you're ignoring them,droning on and on,and having you're circular arguments. We don't hate you on this forum,we aren't all guardian readers,remainers,communists or whatever you think we are,we are just f***ked off with your coming the oh woe is me victim complex. Don't get sending me a private message either accusing me of being snidey like you did last time,I've made it quite clear I think of what's going on,so don't need to debate it further
Give it a rest will you,you've had the points you raised shown to be wrong,as usual you're ignoring them,droning on and on,and having you're circular arguments. We don't hate you on this forum,we aren't all guardian readers,remainers,communists or whatever you think we are,we are just f***ked off with your coming the oh woe is me victim complex. Don't get sending me a private message either accusing me of being snidey like you did last time,I've made it quite clear I think of what's going on,so don't need to debate it further

Never see you post anywhere, only when I get banned, strange that. Nice to use the word we and you think you speak for everyone.when your private post went on about my wife and my family and how pro EU you are and blaming Brexit that you wouldn't be able to travel, you showed your colours. Opinions yes, but like I said, only post when I am banned to put your oars worth in.
At the same time when Heseltine was sacked for voting in the Lords to defeat the government, the Guardian did an article on what a hero he was and how he was right.

However the Guardian didn't mention the subsidies that hessletine recieves in EU farm subsidies. If it is someone from Brexit they mention subsidies, when it someone from remain they usually don't. Subtle propaganda of which I was talking about.

Here the hero but no mention of his EU farm subsidies.

THM this isn't a direct dig or criticism, but why spend so much time virtually with people you don't like and clearly have little time for? Why wind yourself up and make yourself unhappy?

It seems a strange way to spend your time. No matter how many times you post the same thing there isn't going to be a collective epiphany where everybody says "ah, so that's what he meant, I see now", I don't know why you bother, I'm sure you must have more productive and enjoyable pursuits you could be doing.

I really don't understand why you want to spend so much of your day doing that, irrespective of how in the right I have no doubt you believe you are, it can't be pleasurable or rewarding and although you believe you are defending yourself and not allowing yourself to be bullied that's only really your opinion, so is a fairly pointless exercise if you are the only person with that view.

My advise, which may sound patronising, but isn't meant to be is post your views, debate your points and if agreement or common ground isn't found then move on. I'm sure both you and the rest of the forum will enjoy your time on here so much more.
I explained I was in Morpeth having a pint (not a lot of Internet coverage and didn't realise the It would mean the the Gestapo would be called out)

My posts on this page have nothing to do with my political views, but the way that people are treated differently for the same things.
For example you agreeing to meet someone on the forum and you can give a 100 times more back.

It was a stupid argument of course, but don't you see the irony of me being banned for not putting up a link about saying the Guardian uses propganda.

I haven't phoned you about this, I haven't what sapped you about it and I wouldn't bother. I was nor the person being monotonous yesterday on the thread, but I am defending myself here.
Massive difference.

You are genuinely deluded if you can't see everything you've said here is wrong. There's no place for you on any forum IMO as you just want people to agree with your opinion or you try and shout until you have bashed your keyboard to bits. If they don't agree you say the same thing over and over until you think people will agree with you. It isn't defending your position it's a fucking boring quimbecelic tirade over and over.

Discuss opinions but don't assume you're right all the bloody time and stop believing everything you write is gospel and you might get along better.
You are genuinely deluded if you can't see everything you've said here is wrong. There's no place for you on any forum IMO as you just want people to agree with your opinion or you try and shout until you have bashed your keyboard to bits. If they don't agree you say the same thing over and over until you think people will agree with you. It isn't defending your position it's a $#@!ing boring quimbecelic tirade over and over.

Discuss opinions but don't assume you're right all the bloody time and stop believing everything you write is gospel and you might get along better.

you see how ironic your post is. Mr Angry himself, the man who gets banned for threatening other posters, the man who gets banned for his anger issues, telling me how to post. Hahaha

Ironically because, I wasn't banned from the referendum forum for keeping on about the same thing or going round in circles. It was not me who said they had been going on that I had to put up a link, for 12 hours, to prove that the untouchable Guardian has propganda. No, I got banned because I said it but didn't feel I had to put up a link, as nobody does when other papers are criticised. I got banned for saying one thing, not going on all day about it. You were one of the posters who kept on about the link. I said I was having a peaceful day and quite clearly not trying to go round in circles and get in a link for link argument.
Remember, the ban is for not putting the link up, not about keeping on, not about I said it was victimisation.

I post on here and defend myself, you could actually post something worthwhile about the referendum on the referendum thread. So Mr Angry go and shout or insulting someone else, not me.

I have put my links up on here. There is nothing else to be said on the matter. Unless another want of the few remainers ( most are OK on this forum) wants to try and say I was banned for something I wasn't.

It is quite clear what I was banned for. For not putting up a link to show that the Guardian uses subtle propaganda. Nothing else. Read where I got banned on the thread and take a look at yourself Mr Angry.
THM this isn't a direct dig or criticism, but why spend so much time virtually with people you don't like and clearly have little time for? Why wind yourself up and make yourself unhappy?

It seems a strange way to spend your time. No matter how many times you post the same thing there isn't going to be a collective epiphany where everybody says "ah, so that's what he meant, I see now", I don't know why you bother, I'm sure you must have more productive and enjoyable pursuits you could be doing.

I really don't understand why you want to spend so much of your day doing that, irrespective of how in the right I have no doubt you believe you are, it can't be pleasurable or rewarding and although you believe you are defending yourself and not allowing yourself to be bullied that's only really your opinion, so is a fairly pointless exercise if you are the only person with that view.

My advise, which may sound patronising, but isn't meant to be is post your views, debate your points and if agreement or common ground isn't found then move on. I'm sure both you and the rest of the forum will enjoy your time on here so much more.

THM rather than carrying on for another day, take a read of TT's post above.
you see how ironic your post is. Mr Angry himself, the man who gets banned for threatening other posters, the man who gets banned for his anger issues, telling me how to post. Hahaha

Ironically because, I wasn't banned from the referendum forum for keeping on about the same thing or going round in circles. It was not me who said they had been going on that I had to put up a link, for 12 hours, to prove that the untouchable Guardian has propganda. No, I got banned because I said it but didn't feel I had to put up a link, as nobody does when other papers are criticised. I got banned for saying one thing, not going on all day about it. You were one of the posters who kept on about the link. I said I was having a peaceful day and quite clearly not trying to go round in circles and get in a link for link argument.
Remember, the ban is for not putting the link up, not about keeping on, not about I said it was victimisation.

I post on here and defend myself, you could actually post something worthwhile about the referendum on the referendum thread. So Mr Angry go and shout or insulting someone else, not me.

I have put my links up on here. There is nothing else to be said on the matter. Unless another want of the few remainers ( most are OK on this forum) wants to try and say I was banned for something I wasn't.

It is quite clear what I was banned for. For not putting up a link to show that the Guardian uses subtle propaganda. Nothing else. Read where I got banned on the thread and take a look at yourself Mr Angry.

Post of the Year. You know what you got banned for but in the preceding 7653659 posts to this one you said it was something else entirely. Even in this same post you manage to contradict yourself.

Maybe now you will realise you can't post the same inane crap over and over without some sort of evidence or challenge. I have no idea why you will not accept this. Does everybody else you know just agree with you all the time or do you say the same thing to them over and over again until they agree with you?

As for the personal attack, I do find it laughable, what's next 'you wouldn't say it to my face'? (which you've said a number of times over the years and not been banned for)
I do post,not a lot,but occasionally,296 previous,I don't post on the match forum,because I can't get to watch them,so my opinion would be worthless,I don't post on the politics pages,because it gets very circular,I post a bit in the books worth reading,random stuff,and do post a lot in the what makes me angry page,so it's not just you when you get banned,and still post,funny sort of ban,it just that you as someone else posted need to STFU or GTFO
I do post,not a lot,but occasionally,296 previous,I don't post on the match forum,because I can't get to watch them,so my opinion would be worthless,I don't post on the politics pages,because it gets very circular,I post a bit in the books worth reading,random stuff,and do post a lot in the what makes me angry page,so it's not just you when you get banned,and still post,funny sort of ban,it just that you as someone else posted need to STFU or GTFO

You're the cycle adventuring, transgender offending, bus driver right?

Obviously posted enough to get a decent background on here.
Tbh THM, I don't think your ban from the Current Affairs forum was solely based on what you said about the Guardian.

I think this is a cumulative thing, as in the Mods have reached breaking point with your endless merry go-round of inane garbage.

Most people make a point and move on, you really don't seem to have the ability to just let things go. I used to read the Referendum thread until it became the biggest waste of bandwidth on the internet due to you monopolising every argument and point, and turning into a diatribe against the EU/Immigrants/The Media etc.

When I am delivering a training, if someone is monopolising my time, eventually I have to remove them, as they take away from the enjoyment and learning of the others. I think this has been the case for you on this forum.
Tbh THM, I don't think your ban from the Current Affairs forum was solely based on what you said about the Guardian.

I think this is a cumulative thing, as in the Mods have reached breaking point with your endless merry go-round of inane garbage.

Most people make a point and move on, you really don't seem to have the ability to just let things go. I used to read the Referendum thread until it became the biggest waste of bandwidth on the internet due to you monopolising every argument and point, and turning into a diatribe against the EU/Immigrants/The Media etc.

When I am delivering a training, if someone is monopolising my time, eventually I have to remove them, as they take away from the enjoyment and learning of the others. I think this has been the case for you on this forum.

I think this thread has proved the point, although everyone on here has told him his ban wasn't for the content of the post, but the labouring on the same point, he's carried on labouring on the same point.

I may ask Vis to ban him from this thread soon too.
You're the cycle adventuring, transgender offending, bus driver right?

Obviously posted enough to get a decent background on here.

Yep that's me,didn't think anyone read anything I posted,glad someone knows who I am
I know who you are!

I follow your page on FB

Thanks for that,I need to get out a bit more to update it,am saving hard for the long trip that's going to take 12-18 months! I've a couple of weekend things planned shortly when the weather gets better,and seriously looking at a 3 country Lithuania,Belarus,Poland trip of a month or so,there's a tiny bit of Belarus that's 5 days visa free and I so want to go there because nobody else does,and then into Poland for a cheery tour of sobibor,Belzec and treblinka memorials because they're all Eastern Poland and easily doable in a month or so,then just catch the train back to the UK,finances will probably say no to that though
I think this thread has proved the point, although everyone on here has told him his ban wasn't for the content of the post, but the labouring on the same point, he's carried on labouring on the same point.

I may ask Vis to ban him from this thread soon too.

Dangerous Dave is better than you all think, Dangerous Dave is better than you all think, Dangerous Dave is better than you all think, Dangerous Dave is better than you all think, Dangerous Dave is better than you all think, Dangerous Dave is better than you all think, Dangerous Dave is better than you all think, Dangerous Dave is better than you all think, Dangerous Dave is better than you all think, Dangerous Dave is better than you all think, Dangerous Dave is better than you all think, Dangerous Dave is better than you all think, Dangerous Dave is better than you all think, Dangerous Dave is better than you all think
if I went on like this everyday I might get a ban..so I will just stop it, call it quits..THM, just quit now before you get another ban for repeating yourself..just get a bit tiresome thats all..
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