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Boris at it again and the contest to replace the lying c***

Fabricant later tweeted: “No one is making light of rape or assault. Far from it. But those who want to read something into a comment will contrive to do so whatever. They are professional offence takers.” His original message remained online.
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I tried to quote this earlier, it's all a game to them and they don't give a fuck.

Malthouse has told officers not to let shoplifters off if they are stealing food out of desperation during the cost of living crisis.

He later told LBC ministers would ensure police do not turn a blind eye to shoplifters stealing food.

“In fact I wrote to chief constables just a year or so ago saying they should not be ignoring those seemingly small crimes,” he said.

“I have to challenge this connection between poverty and crime. What we’ve found in the past, and where there is now growing evidence, is that actually crime is a contributor to poverty. That if you remove the violence and the crime from people’s lives they generally prosper more than they otherwise would.”
Fucking hell. The lack of self awareness and lack of compassion is almost beyond comprehension at times. But then it gets even worse;
Earlier, the minister told Times Radio: “The broad rule is that justice should be blind and I hope and believe that is the principle that sits behind not just the police but the operation of the courts as well.
Well, lets look at the litany of law breaking you and your government have been involved in. Especially the corruption of contracts and the vip lane.
It's not often that I stick up for this Government but his words are correct. You don't want to send a message out to the public that you can steal food and get away with it, so I think that the Police representative who said it yesterday was wrong.

Where I differ from the above is that you can give an unpublicised message on the ground for officers not to press charges for these incidents.
If someone is stealing food because they can't afford to feed their family they shouldn't get arrested. I know it's hard as people take advantage but in principle I'd rather see families fed than people made into criminals for trying to survive.
If someone is stealing food because they can't afford to feed their family they shouldn't get arrested. I know it's hard as people take advantage but in principle I'd rather see families fed than people made into criminals for trying to survive.
I agree, but if you publicly state that you won't get arrested for stealing food then it will become a free for all.
If someone is stealing food because they can't afford to feed their family they shouldn't get arrested. I know it's hard as people take advantage but in principle I'd rather see families fed than people made into criminals for trying to survive.
There are of course other ways around this the government could implement but in terms of policing he is correct.

They've gone for a Broken Windows policy which on the face of it works but doesn't deal with the causes.
Operation Hillman is over.

Looks like the PM has got away with just one fine.

Sue Gray to come....
13th November (No 10 flat Abba Party) has fines but that could have been for the separate leaving do for Lee Cain.
There are of course other ways around this the government could implement but in terms of policing he is correct.

They've gone for a Broken Windows policy which on the face of it works but doesn't deal with the causes.
I think I understand and I think I agree. The police are having to deal with the consequences of govt. decisions. And once you turn a blind-eye to stealing food other crime becomes more acceptable.

The root cause of all this are the dicks running out government.
More 'tough on crime' gesture politics.

Theft in shops is already a free for all; the Anti Social Behaviour Crime & Policing Bill set a threshold of £200 worth of thefts whereby under £200 suspects could plea by post. The horse has long since bolted.

The result of this is twofold; the police aren't bothered a fuck if you ring up and a theft is under £200. They log it and dont persue it. Secondly, career shoplifters get the green light knowing what they can get away with. I wrote about the battle we've had with a prolific shoplifter on the Things That Make You Happy thread, guy was walking in and clearing our high value meats for £60-120 per time, the police only took notice when we produced a theft pack with dates, times and cctv images from ourselves and five other nearby stores. They didn't even look to connect him to the other thefts until we rang round and did it for them.
On the plus side, I now know what to do if I'm struggling for ideas for tea...

In all seriousness it's just more terrible messaging. They're completely tone deaf on everything.
Had to sign an updated policy at work today re shoplifters, old policy must have been to tackle shoplifters, new one says not to, but let them know you’ve seen them.
I’m guessing it changed due to a staff member getting injured after tackling a shoplifter and suing, tbh if someone wants to nick a bell, lights, or some spanner’s I’m not stopping them.
I’ve not got involved since I was robbed at gunpoint in castle vale Birmingham while delivering white goods for curry’s and got a written warning for handing the van keys over and got told I should put up a fight for the van! that got changed about 6 weeks later when another driver got kneecapped after putting a fight up for the van and it changed to just hand over whatever is requested do not be difficult to the robber.
Probably with “Richard Tice is the leader of Reform UK, the new name for the Brexit Party, formerly known as UKIP”.

Anything further is just pointless.
Her appearance at the select committee yesterday was buried by other news stories.

Asked what she thinks about Channel 4 News, Dorries said she “gets on really well” with presenter Cathy Newman and had been asked on a number of times in the last two weeks, although she had declined.
But in an apparent reference to eyewitness reports that former anchor Jon Snow shouted “Fuck the Tories” while at Glastonbury Festival five years ago, she added: “I have been on Channel 4 News a number of times. It is edgy. I am not going to justify a news programme whose anchor went out shouting obscenities about the Conservative Party.
“So they didn’t do themselves any favours sometimes on the news programme and I think that is probably as much as I want to say about that.”