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Bellend commentators

I see Joey is back on the juice because Mary Earps won the Sports Personality of the Year last night.

Joined by the likes of Piers Morgan as well.
Tbh I think they've got a point without the sexism part, but public votes often don't get the 'correct' result
Hugely popular player, won a fair few personal awards, made Nike some big money after they decided no one would want her shirt....told a Spanish player to fuck off.

Going to the public vote she was always going to get close to winning. Still not as shocking as when Ryan Giggs won the award though....
Yes, gets the benefit of exposure that football provides. For me it should have been Johnson-Thompson for coming back from her injuries to be World Champion or O'Sullivan for being the oldest World Champ and 7 time winner. She was 1/8 though so pretty much a done deal.
I had totally forgot about the award this year. Had missed the announcements and then was surprised to see it had been done on a Tuesday night

I feel I should be calling it woke that the show was moved from a Sunday.
I like the review of the sporting year aspect to it. The stories/speeches from Fatima Whitbread and the guy that helped set up the Sheffield Caribbean Cricket Club were very moving, along with the piece on the sporting greats who have passed away over the last year.
I'm puzzled and always have been... why does anyone care about a "Sports Personality of the Year?"
I don't think people really care about it and if the BBC dropped it it wouldn't be hugely missed.
Just something that has been around since the 1950's and as mentioned by Sniffer, its a good review show if nothing else.

People caring about Mary Earp winning are mostly not in the camp that TT is in...that's because a woman won it, beating some men (despite the fact that has been happening since the woke 60's)
Hugely popular player, won a fair few personal awards, made Nike some big money after they decided no one would want her shirt....told a Spanish player to fuck off.

Going to the public vote she was always going to get close to winning. Still not as shocking as when Ryan Giggs won the award though....
Used to be appointment TV, but being shuffled to a Tuesday night is a sign of the audience it now gets I suppose.
Josie Barton's argument today seemed to be Mary Earps shouldn't win it because he would score a penalty against her (well his words were he would score 100 out of 100 any day of the week...twice on Sunday)
Earps is obviously very popular, I don't particularly like her though as she seems a bit of a Ramsdale for the ladies' game, on-field persona is that of a right twat.
How many holes in this analogy for starters Joey in 100 attempts there’s a good chance you’ll miss the target a few times.
Basically he’s saying female is not valid of SPOTY if their is a male equivalent sport. On the basis the man would always win.
Basically saying Kelly Holmes shouldn’t have won SPOTY in 2004 because any British male in the same discipline would beat her.
Christmas with Michael Owen fascinates me.

"Do you fancy watching Die Hard, Michael?"

"What is it?"

"It's a film from the 80s with Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman. It's really good, it's in the HQ of this Japanese company and..."

"Let me stop you there. I don't like films"