A new low for TWF - an argument about Rachel Riley's dress sense.
A thread that could run as long as the song title/artist one. Some mad fool with time on their hands posts a picture of what Ms Riley is wearing on a daily basis and we can all vote hot or not.
It would last a week before Langers closes the thread saying how "we can look her up on the internet".
Why would I do such a thing?!
Pissed myself at that, but was really hoping she caught the fucker, now that would have been a million hits in a minute ha ha ha
[video]https://video-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xap1/v/t42.1790-2/11854248_917708024932010_1730345144_n.mp4?efg=eyJy bHIiOjMwMCwicmxhIjo1MTIsInZlbmNvZGVfdGFnIjoicWZfND I2d19jcmZfMjNfbWFpbl8zLjBfcDFoY19zZCJ9&rl=300&vabr=147&oh=cc8c84a93bd1add52296af61402cfca2&oe=55C6557B[/video]
[video]https://video-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xap1/v/t42.1790-2/11854248_917708024932010_1730345144_n.mp4?efg=eyJy bHIiOjMwMCwicmxhIjo1MTIsInZlbmNvZGVfdGFnIjoicWZfND I2d19jcmZfMjNfbWFpbl8zLjBfcDFoY19zZCJ9&rl=300&vabr=147&oh=cc8c84a93bd1add52296af61402cfca2&oe=55C6557B[/video]