This literally had me speechless when I watched it. I give you Joey Essex. The stupidest person in the history of humankind:
Yeah I've seen those too.First series - Which Country boarders Wales. A. Russia
Second series - Which Country boarders Wales. A. London
He got it right in this series.
Wrong thread?
its definitely interesting.ß
Because it's a new experience for you?
I think it's just a playground crush! If you had pigtails he'd be pulling them right now ! If he denies it you know it's true![]()
I think of it more as a lion attacking the weak. Old, young, mentally infirm, the ones who are pretty much begging for it.
I think of it more as a lion attacking the weak. Old, young, mentally infirm, the ones who are pretty much begging for it.
Bullying you mean?
Yeah, pretty much.
Can I remind you that you reported Kenny's post when he took the piss out of your dietary habits.
I know my selective eating is weird, couldn't give a fuck, someone repeatedly bringing it up out of context and misquoting me gets annoying though. There was plenty of scope for abuse with what I'd actually said but they still twisted my words for some reason.
Most peculiar.