What I would say if any Forest fans are reading:
- Don't take our fans on Twitter as a barometer. They don't know they're fucking born
- He was absolutely amazing here on the whole, mileage varies on whether Covid broke him/he just couldn't evolve the team any more/it was simply having Raul broken that led to the pretty rubbish (but still easily safe) final year
- He's nobody's fool and will not put up with your gigantic headed owner interfering
- Related to the above, he left Wolves because he couldn't work with our de facto chairman any more
- He always operated with a very small squad here, no more than 20 senior players, often less. So we'll see how he goes with the cast of Ben Hur
- Be prepared to sit in a lot during first halves and gradually spring into life later on
- It's not an intense pressing style but it does rely a lot on the forwards and midfielders choosing the right moments to pick the opposition off
- If a player falls out of favour then they pretty much never come back
- Don't bother listening to his interviews and press conferences

He never says anything
- If you buy into what he does he will buy into you, he's not a mercenary
- I wouldn't worry too much about Mendes influence, he's a diminishing force in football and we didn't tend to accept his crap (we did that more before Nuno arrived and after he left, if you want Guedes then please give us a call, also Nuno and Doherty is a bromance that we can make happen for you very easily)
- He is an AMAZING guy, I cannot stress that enough