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The F1 Thread

Button finishes 5th and is doing wheel spins..... Is that a farewell or just making his point
Well that was truly deserved, 11 wins right? Congrats Lewis!
Lets hope more teams can compete next year..far to onesided for me even if two drivers fought until the end
Brilliant racing right through the field though, but obviously I understand what you mean about Mercedes being too far ahead.
Yep..cant remember last time, if ever a season was this onesided? Vettel - webber some seasons ago or a schumacher season
Senna and Prost with McLaren was the last season like that. In fact, with Ricciardo getting 3 wins, I think the McLaren was more dominant.
Yeah..long time ago..what a team senna and prost..really liked nigel mansell too
It's been better than the Ferrari or red bull dominated years, as they let their drivers race - this has been the most exciting season since 2008
I just wonder how it can be so hugh difference between formula one teams..everybody should have first class technology and all that
..first class staff..must be the car chassi itself that matters most..balance, tyre wear?
Mercedes wrote off two seasons effectively to get their engine perfect for the new regulations.
Aah yeah...i forget the new v6 engine rule instead of the v8's..that is probably the reason
Eddie Jordan just said Ross Brawn is coming back to run a new VW/Audi team in 2017, that would be very cool.
I just wonder how it can be so hugh difference between formula one teams..everybody should have first class technology and all that
..first class staff..must be the car chassi itself that matters most..balance, tyre wear?

I don't think it is a huge difference, though. The problem is that very small differences have a huge effect. F1 has been like this for almost as long as I can remember: the car routinely has far more impact on the season than the driver. Lewis is certainly among the best and I'm delighted he's deservedly won but, as in most seasons, I don't believe the champion would have been champion in any other car, or that the winning constructor wouldn't have won with any half-decent driver lineup.
Oof..i really rate alonso..time to shine..
Sounds like Fernando completely fucked Mattiaci over hence his sacking. Alonso not exactly praising the way he handled the situation and the rumours are that Ferrari have had to pay off part of his contract as Vettel was signed prior to any formal agreement with Alonso over his contract release.

It's going to be very weird not watching him drive for them any more though. I can't blame him though, they're a complete mess.
He deserves better than them anyway. They clearly can't deliver a competitive car and hired a team mate who quite brazenly doesn't give a fuck.
Massa has shown there's life after Ferrari and I expect he's absolutely loved getting one over on them virtually every weekend.

Last chance saloon for Alonso now though. Hopefully he'll get one last top car to show what can he do on an evenish footing.

He's at least as good a driver as Lewis so it would be a shame if he spent his time in shit cars.