Papper you really need to stop worrying about national debt.
1. We've been in debt for about 300 years.
2. We are not the same as Greece - the big difference is that we have our own currency and they do not. We can ask the Bank of England to create money by simply entering the digits on a spreadsheet.
3. The govt can essentially spend what it likes - spending is not dependent on taxation. It is part of it but not the whole story.
4. The govt has to run deficits otherwise it is needlessly extracting wealth from the economy.
5. A proportion of our debt is owed to the Bank of England. Do you think they'll ever send the boys round to collect?
The percentage of GDP is irrelevant but I'm worried about public services being underfunded and that in 2020 we will most likely be spending more on paying Interest each year than we do on education. There is a large deficit between tax revenue raised and what is spent on public services. All in all a steep population rise has not resulted in a comparative rise tax revenues to cover these services (double the percentage rise 2000-2020) and a shift to low skilled jobs. Do we borrow, cut, tax just or keep on rollin till the bubble bursts?