With the amount of loan moves that go absolutely nowhere, it makes no sense to me that year on year, people promote them wholesale as a way to help our young/fringe players. Most of the time they end up just wasting months or an entire year.
The hit rate is terrible on them. Marshall has probably worked out well for us this year - he's proven that he's a very good player at Championship level and we can sell him on that basis at an appropriate fee rather than him having sat around here doing nothing for a while. Great. But Collins, Flatt, Hayden, Levingston, Simpson, Deslandes, Johnson, Armstrong, Rainey, Allan, Carnat, Iorfa, Zyro, Ronan, Leak, Gladon, Nazon, Randall, Graham, Oniangue, Ebanks-Landell, Ruddy Jr, Stevenson, Ennis, McKenna, Wilson, Herc...how many of those have been in any way worthwhile? One? Two?