Favourite kind of soup ? Heinz tomato, or knorr chicken noodle, or my home made chicken and sweetcorn or...................................
What do you appreciate more, a spectacular sunrise, or a beautiful sunset ? aha i love and have seen plenty of both out here, but the sunrise knicks it
Are you a ' dunker ' ? too right missus
Worst place you have ever lived ? nothing stands out but i will have to say Ladywood , Birmingham in the late 50's
Would you rather wake up naked,sore and without any memory of the night before, either next to The Burger King telling you " You had it your way " OR wake up naked next to Ronald McDonald telling you that " You were loving it " ? burger king, if i had been fucked by someone from macdonalds i'd be needing a serious test or two
Ever made anything with your own hands that you were extremely proud of ? ( Johnnys answer prompted this one ) yes lots of things, i think some of the mirrors i make here from driftwood would take pride of place, but now i am into lamps so hold the front page