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Lettuce Liz then Tetchy Rish! and the battle to replace him

Has Truss been sighted anywhere since Friday?

Crashes the economy in an afternoon then hides. Leadership.
Not even looking out of a tank with 80's headgear.

Something must be really wrong with her.
It's the Tory party conference in bham next week at the ICC, i might have to go and shout at them
That’ll be the first time they’ve appeared in public since the shitstorm, they won’t be able to hide away from the questions there.
Be nice to know the thoughts of the over 60s, white affluent home county tory members who voted for this as well
Reports of Tory MP's not going unless they're in the cabinet or at a fringe event.

Could be as bad a conference as their budget.
If no one has any bloody money because of paying their mortgage, energy costs and general cost of living, then surely inflation will fall fairly quickly, and therefore so will interest rates?

Is that right? Is it that simple?
If folk start defaulting on mortgages and other forms of debt then a financial crash feels inevitable
Standard Johnson tactic

Be nice to know the thoughts of the over 60s, white affluent home county tory members who voted for this as well

I don’t think anyone voted for ”this”, they voted for a Conservative party as a self-serving best anti-Corbyn option and found themselves trapped in a vicious circle and suffering the affects of the downward spiral as they Conservative party they voted for shows itself to be completely incompetent.

At least the affects of such incompetence is hitting the groups you describe squarely on the jaw too. Granted they are more fortunate than most and will find it easier to make compromises and cut their cloth to suit, but anecdotally the ‘better than Labour’ and Covid/Ukraine blame-game defence-arguments are running pretty dry.

Apart from a few lunatics it’s hard to know where any significant approval would be coming from.
As said in those twitter comments, the NHS is an obvious target
The brass neck of the dishonesty is unbelievable. We’ll announce tax cuts for all but its only the top 5% that will gain, we won’t tell you how it will be funded or let the OBR report on the figures.
They’ve lost control and it isn’t a surprise to all who saw her as dangerous. Seems that only the deluded 0.1% who got to vote to put her in place didn’t.
That would equate to:

0.05% who voted for her because she didn't knife Are Boris, like the little 4'6'' man did
0.05% who voted for her because she isn't brown

Absolutely none of the incredibly unhinged Tory membership would think "yes those are good economic ideas, especially right now". Not with a straight face anyway.
Still won't be our worst PM ever (or even of the last 10 years, might not even come second in that race) but she will be awful and lose the next GE.

She’s having a bloody good go at it.