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I’m Off


Flaming Galah
Oct 30, 2009
Reaction score
I might as well put it here officially now. The tickets are booked, the visa is incoming. 28th of Feb I officially leave this country and head to a new life in Oz.

I’m going to miss Wolverhampton more than I can say, but bring on the sunshine.
We've had our ups and downs over the years on here Paddy, but I wish you all the best of luck and hope your dreams are what you want them to be. Tinged with a touch of jealousy
Wow, good luck Paddy!
All the best Padd, hope it all works out for ya, and have a blast out there.
You still going to be posting or is it a clean break all round?
Best of luck to you Pad. I hope you make every success of it.

Try not to wear too many jumpers in these mild Aussie summers. Oh and don't forget your insect repellant.
All the best mate. Will miss nicking your seat in the pub!
Good luck mate, hope it all works out as you'd like.
No doubt you'll still be on here swearing your fucking head off.
Best of luck Pad, hope everything works out, I'm sure it will, anyone I know who has relocated over there is absolutely loving it.
Will miss our music chats in the pub on matchdays.
Good luck Paddy. Exciting times ahead for you, can't say I blame you wanting to get the hell out of the UK!
Exciting times mate, hope you have an amazing time
I know I've not seen you in a while mate but I shall miss you - you're an absolute gent and I wish you all the best with your fresh start.

Go and teach the Aussies some of your choice vocab. I don't think they're sweary enough.
Good luck to you. I would be out of here myself if I were younger. Hope it works out for you.
Congrats and hope it goes well.
Wife's bro went out there a while ago and loving it still.
And there was me thinking the Aussies were selective about who they let in. ;)

Best of luck. In my experience, the biggest life changes have proved to be the best ones. If nothing else, there'll be a whole new raft of obscenities to choose from.
I’m just really looking forward to the weather. I love heat and am sick of permanently feeling chilly here.
Good Luck. I've got a couple of ex work colleagues who've recently moved out there and look to be living their best life from what I've seen on Facebook.