There's no way I'm going to a pub at 10am, not for anyone. Post-match only on those.
Depends on the state of the trains on a Sunday (they mess about with that timetable a lot, it's Arriva Trains Wales who run it rather than West Midlands Railway). I'd say probably not, I'm not breaking my neck to have one pint when I've got hours afterwards.
at least no more than only one. .
Your one after the games lasted a while last season...
PLF sounds like you could really do with teleportation being invented mate.
I will go to the Western Pre Match on those early ones. It will be open and I love the joint.
Not even the 1.30 game?
I know you do mate. It's still 10am in a pub on your own.
Ah, you do whatever you want to do.
I go in there on my own every day so not a big concern.
This is going to need some research now re travel!!
1st one will need an overnight stay as no trains late enough to get me back & don't fancy a three & a half or four hour partially in the dark drive afterwards
1.30 KO should be doable by train, but the 12.30 one will be tight - at least if I drive then it will still be in daylight.
(as for driving licences gets worse as you age - when my current one expires I am on 3 yearly renewals!0