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Fifa 19 Thread - yay, a card game on the telly!

dude that's all the coins I've made all year tied into that. I sold my expensive players, I'm liquid.

I'm not going to suddenly become a master investor, a week before the biggest market crash of the year. :lol: you're gonna leave me with R9 and a buncha 78 golds behind him. :D
That’d work :D

To be fair I’ve made 400k since I got Gullit last week, trading in Silvers really does make piss easy coins.
I have about 700k and a few I can sell. Was going to get Socrates basic back but how long is it til the juicy blue squads start dropping? Might save it.
If you've got cash and spaces in your trade pile just search for silver defenders in any of the leagues that have league SBCs and set the BIN at 500. Buy them at 500 or below and list higher after you've compared the prices. You'll make a fortune.
Last but one upgrade. Couldn't have Alves and PIM Petit sitting round doing nothing so I sold Cancelo and TOTY KDB and brought Ronaldinho in. I'll upgrade Ramos next then I'm done.

Is Ramos really that good or does he just happen to be the last one to upgrade? Was thinking of using Varane+Ramos for a bit.
Naa he’s not that good, I just picked him up as the ‘best of the rest’ cheap fill in when I put Puyol into Vieira, plus he gives me full chem with De Gea. I’ll replace him next just don’t know who with yet. Maybe Prime Ferdinand or I’ll see who drops in TOTS, would have like POTS VVD but I’m absolutely broke now after buying Ronaldinho and I’ve literally nothing left to sell.
I’m going to grind for TOTT or TOTY VVD.
Still use his original card, not even the upgraded one, and it's great. TOTY one would be ridiculous.
made sure to get my vote in for mou in the community voting
Same, I voted twice on the different websites!!
Still use his original card, not even the upgraded one, and it's great. TOTY one would be ridiculous.

He’s the one ‘meta’ player I have t even looked at so far but now he’s really the only option. Looking forward to using him, should have him this week if trading goes to plan. Think I’ll go for his TOTT, it’s nearly half the price of the TOTY.
Looking forward to having an upgraded squad again, though my cheap team is perfectly usable.


I'll have 1.4m at the start of TOTS. The two icons will stay, and I'm generally pretty happy with the defense... That leaves 7-9 spots that need improvement. Even if I replace 9 players, that'll give $155k for each position.

Wouldn't mind just rebuilding toward my old team, with Fut Birthday Meunier and Naingollen in mid. Would be nice to fit Florencio back in as he was ace.

will have to evaluate once we know what's available in TOTS and what cards I've picked up along the way.

I'd like to get the SBC Rabiot and FFS Bentancur to upgrade my main midfield; then I'll bet set until TOTS. pretty happy with both teams as-is though.

Already got him. Packed TOTS Oscar and TOTS Bergwijn as well from some saved up league SBC packs.
Get in! Getting him 100%. Card was great at the start. Like the look of Oscar and Allan too.
working out all the new objectives.... good god these league 1 cards are painful to play with. so many wide open chances skied and passes misplaced, easily pushed off ball, clunky runs....
Sounds like we have a few TOTS players!
Info from where? I'm waiting patiently before I mess with my team.

Using Doherty orange card ATM, it's actually quality, he's like a big block.