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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

The adverts for both yes and no have been incessant for at least the last three months. Like one advert in every break minimum, and Oz mainstream channels tend to go for an ad break about every ten minutes (or less if it’s a sporting event - Bathhurst 1000 was last weekend, the race lasted 6 hours and 9 minutes and there were well over 100 advert breaks).
Why won't they accept the rights of their original forebears to have a say in things that affect them?
If, as you say it'll make them see they've made a historical mistake, how short sighted of them to now refuse to recognise it and indeed, magnify attention on it and then STILL, not only acknowledge it and make it a little bit right, but to go down in history and tell the world, "fuck them!" and we really don't give a shit what you think!
It's extremely disappointing to see that what seems to be the obvious and 'right' decision, and part of a nation's history, is presented to the Australian people and they have listened to some 'important and responsible' politicians pontificate and publically skue the historical facts and spends millions of dollars on adverts imploring the people to vote 'No'. Why?
And more to the point, why can't 57% of the people see what's happening? See what's being done?
That said, we're talking about general population here, ordinary 'right minded' people, so why the fuck am I disappointed?
You only need look at America - Trump; UK - Boris to see that people aren't as right minded, free thinking as you'd expect.
They didn’t implore that much. The imploring was the yes campaign begging for votes. The populace was inclined toward no from the off and clearly nothing changed that.

Plus it’s not that the 57% can’t see what’s happening. It’s that they are implicit in it, and totally agree with it. As Leeds says, this is an inherently racist place with regards to this issue. So there is fuck all for them to see.
Further I should tell you that in the last seven months yes adverts have outnumbered no by at least 10 to 1 on all the mainstream channels. All of them. Plus all the main news channels have presented as much biased coverage as possible to try and influence a yes vote. So with billions spent and a fair amount of propaganda to push a yes result the voting population where I lived voted no by over 2 to 1.

That’s a losing wicket that yes was batting on. And it will never change. Spending time about today there is basically universal delight at the result. But I live in an extremely white area.
What reasoning are those who voted ‘No’ offering? If you’ve bothered yourself to ask.
“The way it is now is the right way”

“They are calling it a vote for equality but they will be more equal than us”

“All the money to be spent to create this equality will be taken from budgets intended for us, so we will get left behind in future and they will Lord it over us”

“I know a First Nation bloke and he says he is voting against this. They don’t want it so we should vote against it”

“The referendum asked the wrong question. If the right question* had been asked then there would have been a yes result”

* Do you want to keep things exactly as they are, presumably.

That sort of thing.

EDIT: but in the background the real unspoken lurks. Not said openly very much it can be summed up as “they are less than sub-human and we don’t like them. Why the fuck should they be treated the same as us”
"They will ban Australia Day".

"I will have to give my house/land to the Aboriginal".

"It will cause Australia to become an apartheid state" (it pretty much is already).

"It will cause inequality" - the best one out of the lot...
Do we have to post everything twice now?
Had a few holidays in Australia when my Sister in Law was alive, racism particularly toward the Aboriginal’s was the norm, to be honest I don’t think the expats and home grown Aussies even realised it.
My Wife’s Niece spent a couple of years over here in the early 2000’s and always referred to the local convenience store as ‘the Paki shop’, my Son had to explain to her that we don’t do that over here.
Yeah, Paki, Gook, Abo, Wog and Nigger are commonly used terms of endearment by white Australians.

It is of course light-hearted banter and not in the slightest bit racist.
Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said on Monday he accepted his share of blame for the failure of a referendum question on Indigenous recognition that could weaken his authority.

The referendum outcome is seen as a major setback for reconciliation efforts with the country's Indigenous community and risks damaging Australia's image in the world regarding how it treats people in that community.
"The damage from Saturday's vote will be extreme," an editorial in the Sydney Morning Herald said on Monday. "This will set back the cause of reconciliation, despite what politicians are saying."

The country's main business newspaper, the Australian Financial Review, called the result "heartbreaking" for the country's Indigenous community, who make up about 3.8% of the population and have suffered from centuries of neglect and discrimination since colonisation by Great Britain in 1788.
Remote areas dominated by Indigenous communities voted strongly in favour of the referendum question, Albanese said, in contrast to the rest of the country.
The no campaign had been spearhead by Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, the shadow minister for Indigenous affairs, who describes herself as a Warlpiri-Celtic woman. During the campaign, when asked if Indigenous people were suffering negative impacts of colonisation, she said no. “I’ll be honest with you, I do not think so. A positive impact? Absolutely. I mean, now we have running water, readily available food.”

Why are they protesting at Scampton? Judging by the name of his dog Guy Gibson should have been right up their street.