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Cost of Living

And the Post Office lost £1bn last year. There's no way the legal requirement of delivery six days a week everywhere can be sustained with those sorts of losses.
At the moment I'd settle for 6 weeks.
I ordered a little piece/sheet of plastic roofing for a commission on 15th November in Abergele.
Still waiting....
I guess we should feel lucky that we were able to get ourselves on the housing ladder a while ago. We may live in a shit hole of a town but it's a pretty nice new build 3 bedroom house that we can (currently) afford the mortgage on.

Over the past year, other houses on the estate have been selling for around £120,000 - £140,000 more than we have left on our mortgage so I guess that would help sort our deposit should we ever be in a position to move.
We're having to explore shared ownership which I'm still not sure is the best approach
I got on the property ladder thanks to the Help to Buy scheme back in 2009. Not perfect and was a bit of ball ache, especially when selling as the company looking after that share of the house had changed 4 times in the 10 or so years. Without that help we wouldn't have been able to buy. Do not envy anyone trying to get started these days.
House prices have properly gone stupid

A bungalow at the end of our street went up for sale. Kind of know the owners so as you do, time for a bit of being a nosey git. Now they have done the place up very nicely but its just a 2 bedroom standard sized bungalow...thought it would be around £250k. How wrong was I.....£450k!

For that much I would want a cellar filled with gold to be part of the deal

Mulling over whether to get our house valued now...mainly so I can bitch about how much a fookin bungalow is compared to our house.
£288k will buy you a lot of house in the Midlands though not all of it...
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I got on the property ladder thanks to the Help to Buy scheme back in 2009. Not perfect and was a bit of ball ache, especially when selling as the company looking after that share of the house had changed 4 times in the 10 or so years. Without that help we wouldn't have been able to buy. Do not envy anyone trying to get started these days.
We had something similar. It wasn't Help to Buy but the builders themselves (David Wilson Homes) 'lent' us 20% of the money and we only needed a 5% deposit. Without that we'd have never been able to get a deposit together.

Renting back then was a LOT cheaper too. I think our first flat together was about £475 a month and that was right in Wolverhampton City Centre.
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@ bungalows, there's a lot less of them and people are living longer, pushing the prices up maybe?

I know someone who just paid nearly 500k for one in Haden Hill and I was shocked at the price
Tons of the buggers here. Falling over the low roofed fuckers
Quite a few in Ireland although usually older. If you get or see a new one, it'll have been designed by an architect as a 1 off.
Bought ours just coming out of the slump in 2013 for €175k. (4 beds detached). We are #7. A few months ago #1 was on the market for €375k but went for €425k!! Stunning price. and they'll be spending at least €80k ripping it out and doing it up, top to bottom, insulation in the attic, getting the walls filled etc etc. Strong suspicions the fucking estate agents manipulated the price.
("Good afternoon, just thought we should tell you, the other party have just put in a higher bid....)
There is no other party. Another prime example of gouging.
That's not "gouging", it's illegal.
Happens all the time Dan.
It's the country we live in. It's how they do shit.
I think I mentioned this somewhere else...
But my best friend lived in a 3 bed semi and needed more room.
There were 4 bed semis about 100 yards up on the same street.
He put a bid in and within about 10 minutes (!) got a message from the Auctioneers that a higher bid had been lodged.
Over the next few weeks he had about 10 or 11 of these messages, so he thought 'fuck it', and went to see the woman in the house to ask her what would be the price she'd settle for and take the house off the market, she told him and he said, 'Great, I'll pay that!'
She took it off the market and he bought it.
She told him she thought it was funny the way the price kept going up as to her knowledge he was the only one bidding....
It’s fraud against the buyer and would carry a significant jail term and professional proceedings against the agent, not to mention the buyer would have all sorts of civil remedial actions as well.
I'd love to live in your world WH, just for a day
I have no idea how house prices can increase by 33% in 5 years but wage increase is nowhere near that. With rent being double a mortgage you’ve got no chance of saving for these mega deposits.

Even people in the help to buy are being fucked over. They’ve got to make up the deposit difference after 5 years but that difference is now 33% bigger than when they signed up. So they’ve got to find an extra £2-£3k extra on top of the lump sum they already planned to save to just to keep their house.
house prices have been ridiculous for decades, as mentioned on other threads.
a fried who graduated at the same time as me (1998) from wolves uni, decided to stay in the town afterwards. Got a job, partner moved in with them. They bought a 2 bed terrace in jeffcock road, no parking, drive, no real garden. Paid just under 50k i think, and that was a stretch/helped by parents.
Same houses now go for over 200k, that is excessive.
We bought our house in 2014. We are on the edge of a council estate. former council houses now go on the market at 250k or more.
There is a house round the corner recently gone on the market, similar size to ours, about 300 yards away as the crow flies. It's probably classed as a nicer neighbourhood/road (ie not on a dual carriageway like we are, not overlooking the council estate etc) but like @Kenny example, it's going for 450k and I really cannot fathom why!

@b3h made a good point by the way. there are always less bungalows built, so demand and prices for them is always higher.
@b3h made a good point by the way. there are always less bungalows built, so demand and prices for them is always higher.
My shock at the pricing is based on similar or larger bungalows near by on the market for nowhere near the amount of this one.
The main difference is obviously the decor and how they have tarted the place up, as Dion Dublin would say, to a very high standard.

I just fail to see how that has added such an extreme amount on top.

Our house is now being valued next week by the same Estate Agents :D and if the value of my house hasn't doubled in just under 3 years, there will be riots* in Market Drayton

*Loud tutting and moaning like Wolf Hunting waiting for a parcel from the UK
The bubble needs to burst frankly. Wages can’t compete with property prices. Eventually enough buyers are priced out that the bottom should fall out.

This never happens as they are always people looking for second and third property rental investment opportunities to scoop up loads of the more affordable end of the market.