He's not that good to be honest. Occasional flash of decent feet/dribbling but needs to improve quickly to merit staying around the first team.
Have we ever beaten a good team? Seems like every time we're winning I see a bunch of "they're completely $#@!e" comments.
Generally because this league is littered with rubbish.Have we ever beaten a good team? Seems like every time we're winning I see a bunch of "they're completely shite" comments.
Think it was well set to hit first time or try and poke one through to the guy overlapping. He looks a bit slow to make his mind up when he gets on the ball and then the opportunity has gone by the time he's decided.That's better from Bright.
my Guedioura shirt
Have we ever beaten a good team? Seems like every time we're winning I see a bunch of "they're completely shite" comments.