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The "Grow Your Own" Thread

Anyone having a go this year?

I'm about to move, so though in early february I was avidly planning loads of planting, that quickly changed.

About 3 weeks ago I planted tomato seeds. I haven't planted anything else, as it'd be pointless in the ground, & also pointless getting the greenhouse out. So having a reduced year with just tomatoes & lettuce, maybe put a few things in (like carrots or sprouts) when I move, but might be too busy.

Anyways, I thought the toms would take the usual 4+ weeks to sprout, meaning they'd be sprouting round about move time, meaning I could move them in the trays.
No such luck, they sprouted after about 10-11 days. Had to repot them today into bigger trays.

Not planting the lettuce until next weekend I think.
Got meself a mushroom ' grow your own ' kit ( Pearl Oysters ) so hopefully will be overrun with big fungi's in a couple of weeks .

Tomatoes, and a Herb Garden.

Eggplant. Are told this is easy to grow in these parts and should do well in my garden as they like it hot. Mine gets full sun.

And that's it. Everything else I will nip to the farm for .
First lot of potatoes are in + broad beans.

A few of the lettuce seedlings were also planted though the birdlife have clearly taken a fancy to them & removed all (ungrateful gits - as if I didn't sustain them with seeds & other food during the winter). They have also been destroying my hanging baskets by removing chunks of the liner for their nests (plants ending up on the ground as a result) - anyone would think I was running an avian B & B!
I've completely rebuilt and reinforced my greenhouse (it got almost destroyed in the storms) with angle iron and anchor bolts, and have now got it up and running again with some vine and cherry tomatoes growing along with cucumbers, strawberries and courgettes. I always grow tomatoes (as they are my favourite things) but I know sod all about growing cucumbers or courgettes. I don't even know if they will thrive in a greenhouse or if it will be too hot for them. So far they are doing well. If anyone has any tips please let me know. Lemon Jelly seems to be a bit of an expert, any advice would be appreciated (I will try and train them to grow to the left LJ!). Some wicked spiders in my greenhouse last year, don't know if I mentioned them - False Widows ... Urgghh... and they bite apparently.
Courgettes are easier than anything arklow.
In a few weeks, plant them out into the ground if you can. They'll produce loads of fruit. You might want to keep a regular eye on them, to make sure you regularly pick them. I had 4 a few years ago & was over-run with courgettes! How many plants you got?

Regarding cucumbers, again I usually end up taking them out the greenhouse late May. I usually grow them up the ladder, as the steps is somewhere the fruit can rest. The plant will grow arms to latch onto a trellis or fence to support it. Lovely big yellow flowers too.
PS I'm no expert! I put seeds in mud & hope for the best. I resurrect this thread each year to point out my mistakes & ask for help!
Thanks for the advice LJ. I havent really got any ground to grow them in as its all lawn and shrubbery. Will they flourish if i leave themn the greenhouse? Or will it just be too hot for them?
If they're in decent sized tubs/pots, they should be ok.
The cucumbers will like depth, so their roots can go. That'll help the fruits grow.
The courgettes will be productive. If they can get a fair bit of sun you'll find they'll go well.

What kinda greenhouse you got mate?
Thanks for the info and sorry for the delay in replying LJ. I bought a 'Hercules' greenhouse from 'The Greenhouse People' in Stoke. I needed a sturdy one because my site is exposed to the wind. It's fairly big 16"x8". The greenhouse itself is very strong but what you actually get is an 8" greenhouse with an 8" extension, and the actual brackets that join the front and back halves are the weak point. During the recent storms, the greenhouse basically imploded in the centre down the long side, seven or eight panes of glass got sucked out and the wind then ripped the vertical posts off their 'feet' which were screwed down into concrete with anchor bolts. I actually thought the greenhouse was going to 'take off'. When the storms had passed it left it basically a tangled mess. I have now rebuilt it and reinforced it with angle iron. I'd recommend 'The Greenhouse People' and the 'Hercules' greenhouse, but I'd advise getting stronger (and longer) centre brackets made if getting an extended size.
I usually grow flowers from seed, and plant my own baskets but because I lost so much time this year with rebuilding the greenhouse, I'm way behind so have just a few bits planted this year.
Wow! Nice one.
I have one of these (not identical, & probably not as long to be honest):
and also one of these:

I grow everything from seed. I've not done much flower wise, as I prefer to grow stuff to eat, but with the impending move I'll start looking at flowers etc. I generally put flowers in tubs & baskets to encourage the bees etc.

I think what you're growing will be fine in the greenhouse. At the hottest times of year, taking them out should be fine.

I'm happy to support with advice, but that comes with the above caveat, I really don't see myself as an expert, but it is good we encourage each other!
My tomatoes are going nuts. I'm worried I'll need to repot them again before the move. Luckily I have some trays for transporting pots.
Debating when to plant the lettuce seeds. Trying to gauge when the move will be to time that right...
Now I've moved, I've set up the 2 greenhouses. Tomatoes in 1 (they appear to be struggling a bit now, no idea why though) and lettuce in the other.
Due to plant more lettuce this weekend. Have been repotting the tomatoes to try & help them a bit. I think I may have been over watering them.

In the big garden clean up, I have found a strawberry bush in amongst the weeds! Work has begun on rescuing it...

Never grown strawberries (or any fruit) before.
Lettuce coming along cracking - wraps & salads galore across the holiday period!
Tomato plants have been repotted up 2 or 3 times across the last month, & this has helped them develop. Plants are a fair bit bigger now, & flowers are appearing everywhere thank goodness.
I planted late this year, so suspect I'll harvest little before september, but that will suit me fine. This glorious weather can develop & ripen loads of juicy toms for my packed lunches!

Spending time every weekend clearing extra guff out of the garden, getting it ready for the big grow next year, when the veg patch is properly sorted!

Edit - wondered how everyone else is getting on?
Not done very much this year for various reasons.

Got a nice little herb garden on the go and decided to plant some spuds at the last minute and they are looking good.

I need to plan for next year....!
I've been growing potatoes in hemp sacks this year with varying degrees of success. We've had a few meals of new potatoes but I think next year I'll build a split container since the back have all but rotted.
Other than that, tomatoes are beginning to appear. Herb garden is now well established but unfortunately no salad this year since the slugs have decimated it....all out war with those litte b*****ds next year !
Slugs deserve all out war.
Bastards have decimated my lettuce over the last 2 evenings...:argh:
Tomato hornworms have devoured my tomato plants. Bloody huge things. Ive given up, its just easier to pop down the farm.
Slugs deserve all out war.
Bastards have decimated my lettuce over the last 2 evenings...:argh:

How do I stop the fuckers coming into my kitchen over night?
Not given as much time as I should to it this year.

Still fair load of potatoes coming through & some healthy looking cherry toms.

Plus a reasonable crop on the raspberry canes, so hopeful of some good fruit of those.