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The Cricket Thread

In the queue for tomorrow, likely to be a damp squib/draw but could be in for a great days play.
The Olly Stone line at the bottom is interesting and if true would suggest his red ball days are behind him. Probably makes sense as he's made of glass but such a shame

Batsmen Down and they are doing this. Makes bracewell even more baffling
Guess they want to give him another night off, ideally.
Can’t see anything but an England win unless NZ manage to stick around for an hour, which probably make the draw favourite. Pitch isn’t doing anything, don’t think a single batsmen has been got out really in that 3rd innings.
Difficult for Smith as the Aussies spent 2 years refusing to go anywhere - unless it was the IPL, that was fine. Root is the best in the world now, even though Labuschagne is ranked as such. Statistically has a 1 in 3 chance of overhauling Sachin
Smith and Root and the only two current players who can catch Sachin. Virat is a bit too far behind and Warner is too old.
Root drops one at slip. Not easy but they need taking.