Southampton are relentlessly terrible. Possibly the worst team in PL history. So the fact that they never really created many chances should be of little to no surprise. However, that does not detract from the fact that apart from 2 decent enough goals, largely gifted to us by them being one of the worst teams in PL history (did I mention that fact?) who cannot defend to save their lives, we were for 89 minutes of that game, utter, unmitigated, absolute wank. We barely strung 2 passes together, and at 2-1 up, no-one, no-one would have been shocked if we'd found a way to throw away 2 points. Agbadou and Toti decent 7 out of 10 performances, JSL a 7 for his goals, everyone else a 3 out of 10 at best. I'd give RAN a 0. He was fucking shit.