Are you a person that talks with their hands ?
When on the phone, do you tend to doodle ?
Yes. I draw flowers, interlooping shapes, boxes, and ducks.
Are you a person that talks with their hands ?
When on the phone, do you tend to doodle ?
Have you ever suffered from concussion ?
Have you ever worn braces on your teeth ?
When you have soup, do you break bread up in it , break into 'fishes' and put them in the soup ?
What are your views on Opera and Opera music ?
Cauliflower is ace. I am the eldest of two brothers. There was a middle brother but he died as a baby. Favourite kids tv prog? Hmm - probably tiswas.
Do you like Cauliflower ?
if you have any brothers or sisters, are you the youngest, eldest, or in the middle ?
Favourite kids prog when you were little ?
Are you a person that talks with their hands ?
When on the phone, do you tend to doodle ?
Have you ever suffered from concussion ?
Have you ever worn braces on your teeth ?
When you have soup, do you break bread up in it , break into 'fishes' and put them in the soup ?
What are your views on Opera and Opera music ?
Has Norway got his arse in his hands today ?
Could you translate please?My preliminary answer is yes.
Have ya got Billy on ya back ? Am ya pugging ? Have ya got a cob on ?
No,yes,not telling.
You're not allowed to laugh at me just because I don't know what the heck you're talking about!
How many Wolves shirts do you own ?
The Pearlfishers Duet, Robert Meryll and Jussi Bjorlin, my Dad had the single on our 'radiogramme' and to this day, whenever it plays I have a lump in my throat !