What’s wrong with having an opinion based on discretion rather than concrete evidence? Isn’t that, you know, the stuff of forums and football talk in everyday life?! It’s not like I’m applying that decision main process in my professional life as head of the armed forces and about to invade Iraq. It’s quite likely I’ll be wrong, I’m wrong about plenty of stuff, but its OK to have an opinion.
It also doesn’t make a jot of difference as to what happens on the pitch. If I turned up to the games and whined and booed that would be a different matter, but I don’t. I turn up and support and will always do so, and I’ll be delighted to see my concerns proven wrong. Deelighted. You, it seems, will be right either way

Anyway, I’ve ranted a little here as a result of weeks of reading this portrayal of consistency as negativity so I’ll cork it now, it’s going off track.