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Matchday thread: Cardiff away

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Another fucking goalkeeper error.
Different keeper another mistake what the hell was ikeme doing?
What a fucking terrible goal to concede. Long, looping, hoofed pass. Ikeme shouldn't be coming that far when we have two defenders on one - Stears even ducked out of the way (assume he got a call). We've always struggled to play against Jones and he's a complete cart horse.

Turgid stuff from us today.
Fucks sake. Should never have come out for that.
What in the world was Ikeme thinking with that????
Neither side deserves to be ahead - a goal was only ever going to come from an error as there's fuck all quality on show.
Very very strange...was a mile away from the goal and jones had 2 defenders on him...
Never known so many goalie errors in such a short amount of time.
Well in all honesty that's a fucking disgraceful performance, how about we go back to the formation that was actually working until we switched off on Wednesday night after 35 minutes. I know one of the wingers has been our best player but he's not been good.
Well, going back to this formation has worked well, hasn't it? Absolute rubbish performance.

And for those who thought we should drop Dicko, fucking hell. I'm furious with that 1st half
thank F&*% it's a game of two halves, over to you now Kenny Jackett.
Really poor. No tempo, Afobe out of the game and dreadful goalkeeping again.
Neither side deserves to be ahead - a goal was only ever going to come from an error as there's fuck all quality on show.

They've shown a lot more intent then us but are just lacking in quality. They've had a goal disallowed, had another decent chance saved and finally stuck one in. We've been an absolute shower so far - i find it difficult to see how you can disagree, really.

The only positive is KJ can now give them an absolute bollocking to wake them up.
Fucking dreadful so far. Wingers not used at all. Afobe on his own getting nothing. Cardiff happy for Iorfa and Hause to have the ball as they know they can't do shit with it. Lots to sort at HT Kenneth.
Great, a change of formation... Oh wait, it's even fucking worse than before. Get Dicko on for Ojo and have a go at this heap of shite.
Ikeme was slow to start coming out for that, but it was a long way to come and with Stearman and ANOther going for it tight on K Jones, he really should have stayed on his line. It was only a yard or so inside the box.
Jones made contact with that beating Stears and.... a second before Ikeme got there.

Poor goal indeed.
We seem to have 2 error prone/lacking in confidence keepers....
Not good.

No link up to the forwards. Afobe and Ojo seen lurking on the edge of the C Circle looking for a bit of possession...
Very uninspiring stuff, needs some serious home truths telling at half time.
So wasteful in possession, kmac anonymous.
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