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Lettuce Liz then Tetchy Rish! and the battle to replace him


Staff member
Oct 5, 2010
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Right I'm going to jump the gun and post this thread now.

I'm genuinely concerned with the direction she's proposing to take the country judging by her comments at the Party Leader hustings. This is her latest statement to the blue rinsers who are lapping it all up.

It has been fantastic meeting and speaking to thousands of members across the whole of the UK over the last six weeks. Our members make our party great, and I would like to thank all the volunteers who have helped along the way.

I believe in a brighter and better future for Britain. I have a bold plan that will grow our economy and deliver higher wages, more security for families and world-class public services. I’ll do this by cutting taxes, pushing through supply-side reform and slashing red tape that is holding businesses back.

If I am elected Prime Minister, I will never let anyone talk us down and I will do everything in my power to make sure our great nation succeeds.

Just take the second paragraph - What is this bold plan to grow the economy?
Higher Wages? How? We'll all be worse off this year and next due to inflation and that isn't going to be addressed any time soon in terms of above inflation increases.
More Security for families? - I'd say the top priority for families is the cost of living but there's no mention of it.
World Class Public Services? - Yeah right - I'll believe it when I see it. There'll be no spare cash for the investment required in them.
Cutting taxes? - Most sensible economists have said it is inflationary which IMO just pours fuel over the current bonfire. Less tax income in a recession also means either higher borrowing or cuts to public services.
Supply Side Reform? - By this does she mean investment into Companies to improve productivity? If she does it hasn't happened yet and that is with low taxes. If the increase in Corporation tax doesn't go through next year it won't make a blind bit of difference. Oil/Gas Companies might because they've got billions of our money in their back pockets that they've got to find something to do with.
Slashing red tape - If only I've been given a pound each time a politician has said this. Its utter bullshit that trading with Europe can have this slashed due to her Governments policies, standards of products will have to stay at high levels to sell abroad so does this mean slashing H&S legislation?

Oh and she's thick and a liar too - If you listen to her she's thrifty because she was from Yorkshire/Scotland - Bullshit - She chartered a plane at the cost of half a million to fly four people to Australia when first class tickets would have been at 4% of that cost - Boris Johnson is honest too in her eyes despite all of the evidence to the contrary.

Its either been an act to get elected or she genuinely believes all the contradictory crap that has come out of her mouth and that of her team. State intervention in a crisis, that's Gordon Brown economics and its bad bad bad. Cutting VAT on the verge of a recession - Gordon Brown did it and it helped. You can't judge me on my beliefs when I was younger (abolishing the monarchy being a Lib Dem etc) but when it comes to green issues - I was campaigning on these points at school.

I genuinely fear for what is going to happen over the next 12 months or so.
She will fuck the place up, and then she will lose the next election by a massive margin. We will all be fucked in the interim though.
The hope is that she is just coming out with stuff that she knows will get her elected by the Tory membership, and that she realises it won't won her a GE.
But it is very worrying.
Higher wages, world class public services, and tax cuts? Do we all get a free unicorn as well?
Its either been an act to get elected
I'm clinging to this. The NI cut will happen, but I'm hoping the rest was just noise. Half the PCP didn't want her, so I'm hoping they collectively wouldn't wave through a lot of the stuff she says she wants to do should she try.

The cabinet is going to have cranks like IDS, Redwood, Badenoch, Braverman, Dorries and JRM in it so there's little hope on that front

She's incredibly stupid, will happily lie if it suits her and reckons we're all just lazy cunts and should work harder.

Still won't be our worst PM ever (or even of the last 10 years, might not even come second in that race) but she will be awful and lose the next GE.
She won't be the worst PM in the last 10 months.

She will be absolutely shit by dint of having scum in her cabinet like Rees-Mogg
Funny how so many politicians hate red tape yet the same politicians saw fit to put it in place in the first place. It’s almost like legislation to protect the environment, health and safety and worker’s rights is a good thing unless you’re trying to get elected leader of the Tory Party. No doubt there’ll be bullshit bingo about quangos next.

She's incredibly stupid, will happily lie if it suits her and reckons we're all just lazy cunts and should work harder.

Still won't be our worst PM ever (or even of the last 10 years, might not even come second in that race) but she will be awful and lose the next GE.

Deutschy, the worrying fact is that she is not stupid ( in a dark triad type way ). She is primed by the WEF agenda (who have bragged about infiltrating cabinets). The shit she's been spouting as Foreign Secretary is a giveaway. None of these people give two fucks about any of us. She is up there with the likes of Trudeau and Ardern.
The WEF conspiracy stuff is hilarious.

It’s a conference! People turn up and say shit, it means fuck all most of the time except that’s just that person’s opinion or hopes or whatever.

People talk about the WEF like it’s the Illuminati, it’s absurd. It has as much power as the Oscars or the Nobel Committee.
The WEF conspiracy stuff is hilarious.

It’s a conference! People turn up and say shit, it means fuck all most of the time except that’s just that person’s opinion or hopes or whatever.

People talk about the WEF like it’s the Illuminati, it’s absurd. It has as much power as the Oscars or the Nobel Committee.

I don't see the WEF as the illuminated or anything 'enlightened' I see it exactly as you do ( a conference ). Ideas solve problems and there needs a globalist approach to these problems from a public/private perspective. I find the re-set and fourth industrial revolution quite fascinating. Given their influence I am allowed to be critical.
Hopefully it's all bollocks designed to appeal to the party membership like Starmers was.

The British Bill of Rights should be drawn up by the people not politicians. The rest of it I wouldn't truss her as far as I could throw her.
Which particular people? Because you can't have a referendum of 60 million opinions for each clause. I mean at least try and suggest something vaguely practical.