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Burnley (A) build up 19/3/16


Jeff Shi's Bitch
Jan 14, 2010
Reaction score
Reasonably happy with the back 4 and midfield 3 against Blues, just need to sort out the strikers/wingers. IMO we should drop Sheyi Helan, I can see what people mean when they say he offers us balance but we shouldn't need a player like him next to 3 defensive midfielders. He's a glorified wing back with no end product and I thought he looked like couldn't be arsed in the second half yesterday. Hopefully Zyro is fit enough to play from the start.


Iorfa Batth Hause Doherty

Coady Price Saville

Sigurdarson Mason Zyro​

Looking forward to this, I always enjoy Burnley away. Hopefully it's a nice day, love drinking in that little cricket ground behind the away end before the game.
I think calling him Sheyi Helan is a bit bloody ridiculous. He has been far better than Ojo for definite. I would rather play him than that bag of shite Siggy.
I think he's fucking shite personally but maybe that's just me. If either of them are playing for Wolves beyond the end of the season it'll be a bloody travesty.
I really like what I have seen personally. Guess we agree to disagree on that one.
I think we need him in there for this one, Burnley attack well down that side with Lowton and Arfield. As a footballer I've not been impressed and I don't want us to sign him at this stage, we could do a lot better even allowing for a low budget. I don't see him as any kind of long term answer.






Would be my line up, Byrne isn't doing enough to retain his spot and I don't see the value in playing Sigurdarson wide right, in a game with nothing at stake where we're expected to get nothing I don't see the harm in granting Hunte his first start and giving him licence to go and enjoy it. If Wallace were here then I'd put him out there, but apparently it's better for player and club for him to be lining up against Sheffield United next week.

2015/16: D 0-0 (H)
2012/13: L 1-2 (H), L 0-2 (A)
2009/10: W 2-0 (H), W 2-1 (A)
2008/9: W 2-0 (H), L 0-1 (A)
2007/8: L 2-3 (H), W 3-1 (A)
2006/7: W 2-1 (H), W 1-0 (A)
2005/6: L 0-1 (H), W 1-0 (A)
2004/5: W 2-0 (H), D 1-1 (A), D 1-1 (A, LC, lost on pens)
2003/4: W 2-0 (H, LC)
2002/3: W 4-0 (H), L 1-2 (A)
2001/2: W 3-0 (H), W 3-2 (A)
2000/1: W 1-0 (H), W 2-1 (A)
1994/5: W 2-0 (H), W 1-0 (A)
Would be happy with your team Deutsch (and agree on the Helan issue - beneficial in the short term but not a long term answer to anything)

Will be surprised though If Kenny starts with Zyro given his comments about him lacking energy & needing careful management of his return after injury so liklihood of Siggy back up front initially
Obvious 5 at the back
McDonald Coady
Zyro Mason Helan

Would be my team. Zyro on the right so he doesn't have to do the slog that playing Number 9 for us is at the moment. I don't really want to see Mason there, but our options are so limited. Put McDonald back in a midfield 3 that also includes Price...now 3 months since they last both started a league game together, which given their record is ridiculous. I'd get Wallace back tomorrow to see what he can do, but it won't happen. I'd be surprised if he offered less than Byrne.

Iorfa - Batth - Hause - Doherty

Byrne - Price - Coady - Helan


Bear's team for me but Saville for Coady maybe. I'd prefer to have a 4-3-3 with McDonald and another in front of Price but he isn't arsed so fuck him at the moment.

I think KJ will go with the team that played second half against Brum.



This quote has irked me..

KJ said:
"We've lost a lot of goals in our side, even in recent weeks with James Henry and Dave Eedwards, who are capable of scoring."

Edwards hadnt scored since Boro at home, sixteen games before he was injured at QPR and it's hardly recent weeks considering we've played 10 games without him? I don't want to open the debate on Edwards again, this is the about the fucking drivel coming out of Jacketts mouth again.... What's he watching?

We've lost a lot of goals so we'll keep Mason on the bench for 85 minutes. Glorious Ken.

Anyway, Saturday we'll be back to our finest 8-1-1 and I think Vokes will bully our back line.
Can't take the OP seriously after he slates Helan, yet Siggy (who has been far worse) doesn't even get a mention.


Back four picks itself.

Price plays best with K-Mac alongside him, and visa versa. I've just had enough of watching Coady - his touch is poor, his technique is dreadful - and apart from a lot of huff and puff he just doesn't do anything. He won't be dropped, but I'd prefer Price/K-Mac in there. Saville has done enough to keep his place.

As for the front three, Zyro (if fit) gives us some physical presence up top and simply must start. If we're shoe-horning a forward in to the right of the front three position, I'd rather they shoe-horned a player who actually looks like he can score a goal in there (Mason), rather than Siggy. Helen keeps his place because he gives us balance, is direct and has pace on the break.

That's our best 11 at the moment.
Burnley will probably go 4-4-2 it might be worth going like for like.
Can't take the OP seriously after he slates Helan, yet Siggy (who has been far worse) doesn't even get a mention.


Back four picks itself.

Price plays best with K-Mac alongside him, and visa versa. I've just had enough of watching Coady - his touch is poor, his technique is dreadful - and apart from a lot of huff and puff he just doesn't do anything. He won't be dropped, but I'd prefer Price/K-Mac in there. Saville has done enough to keep his place.

As for the front three, Zyro (if fit) gives us some physical presence up top and simply must start. If we're shoe-horning a forward in to the right of the front three position, I'd rather they shoe-horned a player who actually looks like he can score a goal in there (Mason), rather than Siggy. Helen keeps his place because he gives us balance, is direct and has pace on the break.

That's our best 11 at the moment.
Why wouldn't you put Mason and Zyro the other way round?
Why wouldn't you put Mason and Zyro the other way round?

Just feel Zyro is more suited to playing up top by himself. He's more physical and a bigger target.

The system isn't completely rigid anyway. If we were inclined the front 4 could easily interchange between themselves.
Just feel Zyro is more suited to playing up top by himself. He's more physical and a bigger target.

The system isn't completely rigid anyway. If we were inclined the front 4 could easily interchange between themselves.

Just seems a little strange to hang Mason out on the right, where I've never known him play, when you've got someone who's played mainly wide right taking up his preferred central position.
Just seems a little strange to hang Mason out on the right, where I've never known him play, when you've got someone who's played mainly wide right taking up his preferred central position.

As I say, it's mainly down to the fact that I don't think Mason is cut out for the lone striker role, where as Zyro has shown he can play there.

If Siggy is shunted out to the right, why not give Mason a go there as he's more of a goal threat? I can't imagine him doing any worse.
Trouble with Helan is that he hasn't got a 90 minute engine or even a 60 minute engine. That's lack of games and the more he plays the more he won't blow out of his arse. If you gonna slate Helan then Byrne should be getting a word or two as well, he's got his chance and hasn't really produced a fat lot either..
I think a prerequisite of a footballer is the ability to control, pass and move then on top you get strength,pace, attitude, leadership, vision and footballing guile/nous. We're very short of quality players but you would think Price and MacDonald are as good as we've got. How he fits them all together into a winning team is any bodies guess as I'm not really sure he knows himself.

If Helan was a permanent signing and cost as much as Olofinjana I would be very sceptical. As it stands and given the greater picture he's doing okay and a worthy addition. Would say much the same about Saville. I don't think we'd miss Coady that much but Byrne can be tricky - fully expect the return of James Henry (because he scores goals).
Can't take the OP seriously after he slates Helan, yet Siggy (who has been far worse) doesn't even get a mention.

If either of them are playing for Wolves beyond the end of the season it'll be a bloody travesty.

I did mention him actually.

I do like Bjorn and he's had a few good games mixed in with the bad since returning from injury but he's running out of chances. Out of the shite forwards/wingers we have I'd say he's the least worst over Byrne & Helan.

I'm not a massive fan of our formation atm but if Ken's going to stick with 3 defensively minded midfielders then that seems like an opportunity to me to put 3 strikers on the pitch with 2 of them split wide and actually give the opposition something to worry about. What we don't need is a converted full back whose greatest quality is the fact that he's naturally left footed. The 3 in midfield should be enough to stop teams walking through us like we've seen this season and a front 3 of Sigurdarson, Zyro & Mason* would cause a lot of problems for defences at this level IMO.

*Henry in for Bjorn as soon as he's fit.