The Simmons book is a very Stephen King-esque horror about a gang of kids in a small town in the 1960's fighting off a supernatural threat (sounds very familiar!) It' a good book, though. The only other book of his I have read is The Terror and this one was better.
Don't know if you'd like the others or not. The Lansdale book is a very good western tale, the Celestin book is a crime novel set in New Orleans in 1919 and the Taylor book is another historical novel set between the 1940's and 1960's in Virginia against a backdrop of the Civil Rights movement.
As for the Rothfuss book, I read the first 50 or so pages then put it aside to read something else and haven't picked it up again since. I'll only go back to it in the event of having nothing else to read, you have properly put me off it!