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Washington in lockdown


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2012
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BREAKING: Capitol building is on lockdown due to a 'security incident' car driven into 2 Police officers, gunfire heard

Man crashed car through barriers and emerged with a knife. He is now in hospital along with 2 officers
Yesterday in the USA:

Mass shooting in Indianapolis - 8 dead
George Floyd murder trial
Policewoman charged for the killing of Daunte Wright
Video released of the police shooting of 13 year old Adam Toledo
In San Antonio a man exits his car on a busy overpass and starts randomly shooting (no casualties), then drives to the airport where he runs toward a terminal firing his gun before being shot dead by police.
Every single morning the main local news headline is the previous nights murders - gang related, road rage, domestic violence, unknown motive.

It feels like it is getting worse, but it has always been bad. My wife was the youngest of 6, but 3 of her brothers are dead. One from a curable illness, one beaten to death in prison, and in 2004 one was shot dead on his own front doorstep by his daughters boyfriend.

Texas state legislature yesterday moved one step closer to allowing no-permit gun carrying.
Yesterday in the USA:

Mass shooting in Indianapolis - 8 dead
George Floyd murder trial
Policewoman charged for the killing of Daunte Wright
Video released of the police shooting of 13 year old Adam Toledo
In San Antonio a man exits his car on a busy overpass and starts randomly shooting (no casualties), then drives to the airport where he runs toward a terminal firing his gun before being shot dead by police.
Every single morning the main local news headline is the previous nights murders - gang related, road rage, domestic violence, unknown motive.

It feels like it is getting worse, but it has always been bad. My wife was the youngest of 6, but 3 of her brothers are dead. One from a curable illness, one beaten to death in prison, and in 2004 one was shot dead on his own front doorstep by his daughters boyfriend.

Texas state legislature yesterday moved one step closer to allowing no-permit gun carrying.
Periodically I consider moving to the US - in my line of work most people either end up in the US or UAE, I turned down a transfer to Houston not long ago too.

I actually quite like the idea of living over there, but stuff like this - just wtf. My kids are mixed heritage and it just terrifies me that if I did move they could seriously be in danger from the Police. But then you elected a mixed heritage president. Don’t really know what to think.
Periodically I consider moving to the US - in my line of work most people either end up in the US or UAE, I turned down a transfer to Houston not long ago too.

I actually quite like the idea of living over there, but stuff like this - just wtf. My kids are mixed heritage and it just terrifies me that if I did move they could seriously be in danger from the Police. But then you elected a mixed heritage president. Don’t really know what to think.
From my position of complete ignorance giving the general public access to guns is asking for trouble.

There are people who will use guns safely, and there are people who won't.
Periodically I consider moving to the US - in my line of work most people either end up in the US or UAE, I turned down a transfer to Houston not long ago too.

I actually quite like the idea of living over there, but stuff like this - just wtf. My kids are mixed heritage and it just terrifies me that if I did move they could seriously be in danger from the Police. But then you elected a mixed heritage president. Don’t really know what to think.
Two nations inhabiting completely different universes. Both trying to recreate the USA in their own image. Both a reaction to the other. Whoever wins (it will be the Democrats), the gun problem is one for which a solution seems impossible. Gun sales go through the roof every time a democrat president is elected. Nobody expects millions of law abiding citizens to peacefully surrender their firearms.
Periodically I consider moving to the US - in my line of work most people either end up in the US or UAE, I turned down a transfer to Houston not long ago too.

I actually quite like the idea of living over there, but stuff like this - just wtf. My kids are mixed heritage and it just terrifies me that if I did move they could seriously be in danger from the Police. But then you elected a mixed heritage president. Don’t really know what to think.
I also periodically think whether the move to the States 9 years ago was a good move..
In all honesty the US has been good to me. I have an excellent job, can pretty much work as I please and am afforded to travel.
House is half paid off, we own our cars and the kids have excelled in school.
I'll be back home in 3 weeks time and I thought the other day how the UK and Wolverhampton have changed since I was last there 3 years ago..
My green card expires next year and a lot of people have asked whether I will take citizenship,
My answer is..
I'll renew my green card as I'm not sure whether I really wanna retire here in the current climate
I actually quite like the idea of living over there, but stuff like this - just wtf.

I mean, not to minimize the experiences of DWF or his wife, but that is hardly a fair representation of an average life in the US.

The gun stuff drives me up a goddamn wall though, for sure.

I'm with you Yankie, I've actually been trying to get to somewhere like new zealand. Our day to day life is pretty peaceful and without problem; these news stories are largely abstract or political. Obviously we care and vote/donate accordingly but still the political climate is getting a bit much and it's really tiring dealing with so many republican fucktards. When we can't even agree that murdering minorities in the street for not obeying every whim of the almighty police is bad, or that maybe white supremecists should fuck off?, I'm not sure what more there is to discuss.
When I moved here my attitude was that I had lived 47 years in England and if I stay here another 47 years I am still English. I would be a fraud as a US citizen. SA is usually too hot for me (and for my wife who was born here) so she has occasionally mooted moving north or to another country. The problem is that she cannot cope with cold weather either, and since southern California is out of our price range, I joke with her that we can go anywhere she wants, so long as it is not north of Austin (80 miles from here). So I think we will stay in SA. Sometimes I think about dual citizenship - I would be able to vote and it would resolve any pension issues. Maybe in a couple of years. Last time I renewed my green card it took the government over a year to process the application and I was genuinely getting worried that trump had found some of my facebook posts.
if I were emigrating I fancy
Czech Republic.
no chance with any of them, not tech savvy enough for Estonia, and not enough savings, not sure what I'd do in Slovenia, it'd be a touristy business for Moldova( not saying what cos y'all will take the piss) but doubt I'd be tough enough to deal with the corruption out there needed to sort the business side out, Czechia again dunno what I'd do
My best friend from college married an Estonian and moved there. Refuses to learn the language and is unemployable, but they have been together over 20 years so something works for them both.
I mean, not to minimize the experiences of DWF or his wife, but that is hardly a fair representation of an average life in the US.

The gun stuff drives me up a goddamn wall though, for sure.

I'm with you Yankie, I've actually been trying to get to somewhere like new zealand. Our day to day life is pretty peaceful and without problem; these news stories are largely abstract or political. Obviously we care and vote/donate accordingly but still the political climate is getting a bit much and it's really tiring dealing with so many republican fucktards. When we can't even agree that murdering minorities in the street for not obeying every whim of the almighty police is bad, or that maybe white supremecists should fuck off?, I'm not sure what more there is to discuss.
Agreed day to day living is pretty peaceful. I don't get grief from my neighbour's. The shops am within 5 mins of my home and work is a leisurely 20 min drive.
Like I mentioned I've traveled a lot, probably more than the average American. I live in 'the south' bordering Tennessee, a typical red state, but have worked with both Republicans and democrats alike.
I do not consider myself either one.. I think politics especially US politics is broadly a farce when neither groups of politicians can agree that death by any means especially a firearm is not criminal.
That's one thing I do miss about the UK, along with a proper pint of course
Yeah, if as above, you are concerned about racism no to all of them.
...... and two dead in a shooting incident in SA this morning.

Routine traffic stop, truck driver shoots cop who (wounded) returns fire - kills driver and passenger, wounds 2nd passenger.
It's almost as if having firearms easily available to people is a bad idea. Maybe someone should point that out..?
But if sheep rustlers come along how will they defend their livestock?