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The Live Match Discussion Thread: 2019/2020


…unlucky Del - No chance 😉
Nov 30, 2012
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Assume there's not enough interest for a devoted WWC thread or one would already exist.

England up 2-0 against Scotland at the half, right now. Both sides playing decently but Scotland seriously lacking a final pass.
England been very good - a lot better football than under Simpson. And looking stronger than when I watched in the She Believes cup and when they drew 0-0 with Wales in qualifying. Parris, Kirby, Bronze in particular are very good

Italy pulled the surprise of the tournament so far by beating Australia.

Honestly I'm concerned for the US this year... Our manager is a simp of the highest order. Our win in 2015 was very much in spite of her.
England are about fourth favourites or something? Should be a decent side.
England are about fourth favourites or something? Should be a decent side.

About 6th, probably.

France, USA, Australia, Japan, Germany, England, roughly in that order. Although if you ask me, Australia, Japan, England, and Germany are all better sides than the US this year. Norway, too, probably (at least if Hegerberg was in France, which sadly she isn't).

If you can't tell, I really strongly dislike our manager, Jill Ellis. She's Deano levels of tactically inept.
4th favourites with the bookies behind France, Germany and USA
All Scotland this half but some exceptionally poor decision making in the final third from them.
Deserved goal for Scotland
Scotland played well second half but in reality England should have been out of site first half. Still think the better side won and whoever was on co comma claiming it was not a penalty is a buffoon.
Whoever is co-comms on Japan v Scotland game is the most nieve person person on the planet. Harping on about the contact for the penalty. Keep your hands away no problem.
Working away, only 'saorview' in the B&B i'm using. So lack of channels i'm forced to watch the womens world cup - England V Argentina. God it's poor, they should be playing on a much smaller pitch. Argies keeper very good. Kevin Doyle doing the half time punditry in the studio, he looks absolutely knackered, about 50 years old. Bizarre.
It's no worse than a lot of Championship games I have seen
England eventually take the lead.
More entertaining than a lot of championship games certainly but on a strictly 'football' level it's poor. Not even conference level. It's a different sport. Still, it is what it is.
Comparing men’s and women’s game is absurd. Imo have to judge it in its own right. The game is still developing world wide so you’ll get a lot of mismatch games.
I agree. It's like comparing men v womens tennis. It's a different game. Not complaining but if there was anything more interesting on the other 4 channels available I wouldn't be watching it.
Got to remember Argentina got about zero funding or assistance from their own FA they even didn’t have a side a few years ago.
I agree. It's like comparing men v womens tennis. It's a different game. Not complaining but if there was anything more interesting on the other 4 channels available I wouldn't be watching it.

Got to remember Argentina got about zero funding or assistance from their own FA they even didn’t have a side a few years ago.

I have been watching a lot of ladies football for a good while. Its still a bit kick and rush but I have to say I enjoy it.