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Staff member
Oct 16, 2009
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Wanted to keep everyone in the loop on this.

I boobed slightly in that the original numbers I quote were not including tax. But I also quoted them in dollars, so things ended up roughly the same. The joys of a devalued pound. THANKS GOVERNMENT!

Anyway. 1 years hosting came to 648 dollars. add 20% VAT = 777.60 dollars = 680.01 GBP

Migration, similarly, was 120 dollars, or 144 dollars with VAT = 129.18 quid.

So a total of 709.19 pounds.

Total donations came to 804.08 pence. Thanks to everyone that contributed. The non-round number is due to some people contributing from overseas, hence exchange rates.

All that is now paid, and the residual moneh, is sat in a dedicated account, ready for anything that we might need, or as a downpayment on future hosting costs, or to be just blown on coke and hookers and a new striker.

Hopefully this makes it clear what was raised, and what it was spent on.
Am I missing something £680.01 + £129.18 = £709.19 ??
Ah yes, well spotted Paul. So we're a fiver short! How will we ever cover this up??
I'll go look down the back of the sofa...
I still need to pay just haven't had chance yet. I'll get it sorted.
Am I missing something £680.01 + £129.18 = £709.19 ??
Well, this is awkward.

Still, at least I dont work for a bank, because that would be truly embarrassing.....
Well, this is awkward.

Still, at least I dont work for a bank, because that would be truly embarrassing.....
You will notice I didn't push the subject for that very reason :)
I dunno, seems fairly consistent from bankers!
I’d just thought the mistake was due to early breakout of coke and hookers, all that sugary drink is bound to affect your thinking.
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