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Man arrested for Racism


You OK Hun?
Jun 10, 2011
Reaction score
Just been on twitter and saw a tweet from Rio Ferdinand, a reply from Wolves, and replies from many wolves fans.

A man was arrested for racism in the ground yesterday.

What a disgraceful thing to do, it's 2021, and we still have idiots like this around.
Hopefully a lifetime ban from all Football grounds and a prison sentence results.

As with FIFA, and UEFA a message to stop such disgusting behaviour must be sent out, so that anyone who thinks about doing this knows the punishment is severe.

It tarnishes the club and fans of the club, thankfully the stewards acted swiftly and removed him.
Imagine waiting over a year to get back into the grounds, to then do this like an absolute inbred.

Just been on twitter and saw a tweet from Rio Ferdinand, a reply from Wolves, and replies from many wolves fans.

A man was arrested for racism in the ground yesterday.

What a disgraceful thing to do, it's 2021, and we still have idiots like this around.
Hopefully a lifetime ban from all Football grounds and a prison sentence results.

As with FIFA, and UEFA a message to stop such disgusting behaviour must be sent out, so that anyone who thinks about doing this knows the punishment is severe.

It tarnishes the club and fans of the club, thankfully the stewards acted swiftly and removed him.
Weren’t you trying to say it was understandable and justifiable yesterday?
Not sure what the above comment is about but on the twitter link I have seen fans saying they boo'd the players kneeling as its a political stance that they don't adhere too, nothing else. For me the fact that anyone boo'd is counter to any apology the club can offer on the matter.

People can try and point out that it's linked to BLM etc and they don't support that for whatever reason, but the message and the kneel has been co-opted by a different stance, a global viewpoint on racism and unity against it, people can label the BLM movement as violent or acts of destruction but that over looks all the positive parts of it that either weren't like that at all, and shows a complete lack of empathy for why an entire community or section of the world needed to react like that to try and point out injustice.

The players who play for Wolves are a global community of players, and regardless of motive or means for how they ended up at Wolves, I mostly choose to support the vast majority of what they represent, therefore for a majority white football crowd (in itself an issue given the diverse nature of sport in general) to think its acceptable to tell those players that they don't believe in that view point by booing, in the first game back, is outerly painful and embarrassing to me, to the extent I feel ashamed. To the extent I view our own club in the manner I view Burnley and their stupidity.

We look like shit as a fan base.
People from other areas of the British Isles?
Not sure what the above comment is about but on the twitter link I have seen fans saying they boo'd the players kneeling as its a political stance that they don't adhere too, nothing else. For me the fact that anyone boo'd is counter to any apology the club can offer on the matter.

People can try and point out that it's linked to BLM etc and they don't support that for whatever reason, but the message and the kneel has been co-opted by a different stance, a global viewpoint on racism and unity against it, people can label the BLM movement as violent or acts of destruction but that over looks all the positive parts of it that either weren't like that at all, and shows a complete lack of empathy for why an entire community or section of the world needed to react like that to try and point out injustice.

The players who play for Wolves are a global community of players, and regardless of motive or means for how they ended up at Wolves, I mostly choose to support the vast majority of what they represent, therefore for a majority white football crowd (in itself an issue given the diverse nature of sport in general) to think its acceptable to tell those players that they don't believe in that view point by booing, in the first game back, is outerly painful and embarrassing to me, to the extent I feel ashamed. To the extent I view our own club in the manner I view Burnley and their stupidity.

We look like shit as a fan base.
Taking the knee is in support of the BLM organisation, that organisation has politics that I disagree with, i have a screen shot of their stated aims, equality based on the colour of someone skin was actually number 3 of their aims.
Not understanding why people boo taking a knee / BLM is why things like Brexit happen.

I would say ANY political statement before a match would get boo'd.
Being in favour of treating people equally and fairly regardless of colour is a political statement?
People from other areas of the British Isles?
Yes, we all joke about it, i have lived somewhere where sectarianism is rife and people can be attacked based on what School they went to. I hated it, I also hated the way we had a list of interview questions that were banned if you were interviewing in Scotland but not banned in England.
This list was created for the English staff that had made manager status in the organisation and then based in Scotland.
It made me question a lot as did living in Istanbul, and having an Islamic Brother in law.
Being in favour of treating people equally and fairly regardless of colour is a political statement?
Not at all.
BLM uk stated aims were
1. Bring an end to colonialism, and colonial countries
2. Bring down capitalistic governments and resist capitalism.
3. Ensure all people are treated equally and not differently based on the colour of someones skin.

As I said number 3 number fucking 3 is to end Racism
And everyone has told you numerous times footballers taking the knee has nothing to do with BLM UK or even BLM Espana.
No its it's everything to do with BLM as an organisation they even had BLM on their fucking shirts, its only when the stated aims of the organisation.became public knowledge people started distancing themselves from BLM.

How about we get less gestures and more fucking action.

Start with prison sentences, when players are deemed guilty of it, expulsion from Tournaments.
Glasgow is giving you the answers why people boo'd it and you are ignoring him.

Whether he's right or wrong it doesn't matter, that's how he (and a lot of other people) feel about it.

Ridicule / being dismissive doesnt do anything to bring sides together, it pushes the sides further apart.

The questions you have to ask are

A) A significant minority of wolves fans openly racist?
B) were they booing taking a knee for other reasons.

There will undoubtedly be some in a), but I hope and think it's a minority. I'd say most were b).

Brexit and Trump have both taught us the the same debate can mean different things to different people.

Taking a knee for most people is about equality and an anti-racist message, for others taking a knee is a political gesture for a group they don't agree with.
There's literally an announcement before every game that states that the players are taking the knee as part of the fight against racism. If people choose to ignore that because shirts said BLM 6 months ago, well we all know why.
Why hasn't anybody kicked off at Zaha not taking the knee? Is he a racist because he disagrees with the whole thing? Booing is the fans way of "not taking the knee" doesn't mean they're a massive racist.

And as he said. Taking the knee is simply not enough.
There's literally an announcement before every game that states that the players are taking the knee as part of the fight against racism. If people choose to ignore that because shirts said BLM 6 months ago, well we all know why.
Its BLM and remains BLM, taking the knee is about Black Lives Matter.

A lot of organisations have distanced themselves from BLM and rightly so.

The Kick It Out campaign was one every one got behind , the new one No place for Racism is something we should get behind,
A few teams are now not taking the knee because and again sonething I agree with is a token gesture, we need action, no man woman or child should face discrimination based on colour, religion, sexuality.
There was a report by leading black people that said the UK was a leading nation in equality. That was rubbished by a lot of Labour MP's and some BLM supporters.

The UK is not perfect, but its not bad, we do need action by the authorities wether that be government, or governing bodies. Start be Jailing this ignorant cunt, he is already rightly banned from Molineux for life. I would like to see more action taken against him.