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Sprouts are fucking disgusting. IF boiled to fuck.
Roasted they are fucking beautiful, and actually retain the goodness in them instead of it being leached away...
To get the very best out of a serving of sprouts they just need a bit of a steam then fry up some lardons. Sprouts and bacon triggers the question.... "Why do we only do this at Christmas?"
This Christmas mullarkey is all getting a bit out of hand.

When I had my own gaff before I was married I had 10cm Christmas tree that I bought from a pound shop. 12 days before Christmas just opened a drawer and put it on top of the telly. Christmas decorating done in ten seconds. Magic.

Still got the little baby in a box somewhere and threaten to get it out now and again but the missus isn’t having it. Let’s spend half a day stressing out and haemorrhage 50 notes instead 🤨
Just about to put the tree up. It's a pull up decorated one that lives under the bed, so just literally lift it up, stick the pole in the middle and plug it in. My Grandma got it us off one of those ads in the TV guide magazines. The only time they've ever been useful :D
Mine will take about 15 minutes to do when I can be arsed in about the 21st.
Cabbage, cauliflower, sprouts, parsnips, swedes.

All belong in the compost/bin and shouldn't be near a plate. Cruciferous vegetables are shite.
I do find the “x is great if you do this to it”. That’s the same for any food! Slather anything in fat, and cook it with things that smell and taste great then it might actually taste nice!

Sprouts are horrible, but I’m sure if I deep fried them in oil, bacon and herbs then they’d be lovely. But I’m sure I could say the same for grass.
Nah, I'll eat sprouts raw too. Just don't boil the fuck out of them, leaching any flavour or goodness out of them.

This week's festive crisps....

Decent flavour, but way too subdued. You want punch from your limited edition snacks, but these were far too subtle and tame. The flavour was in there somewhere, but I won't be rushing back to Lidl for another bag....
Looks like I’m going to have to eat raw sprouts to confirm if they are nice or not.
I wish Co-op had done their gravy puffs again this year 😢
leave it to someone else.

The wife had the pleasure of decorating 3 trees at the weekend. I helped by keeping out of the way
Is the right answer!
Usually I get the tree/decs out the loft Friday night, then disappear early next morning to impersonate @darlowolf64 for a day. Return home to find it is done to a level that satisfies someone far more picky than I, with less arguments!
This year I'll hide in plain site in front of wc football.
Looks like I’m going to have to eat raw sprouts to confirm if they are nice or not.
A few years ago I prepared a whole load of sprouts, nicely cooked..... and dipped in chocolate.
I gave 'em out to cheeky kids banging on the door at halloween going, "Trick or treat or we'll throw eggs at yer 'ouse!"
It's been very quiet down my end for the last 3 years.
But I do like sprouts.