This clown is obviously short of attention and possibly money again. Nevertheless, it is a good read.
Have unfortunately met a fair few like this social misfit. The worst tend to be similar in background, 'chip on the shoulder', never fitted in anywhere, Oxbridge, 'I am so special' therefore you have no relevance people.
I saw Pond trying to play for the U21s not so long ago. I'd have said after that performance that he should go on loan to a club at the level of, say, Sporting Khalsa or Darlaston Town.
Sadly, in the sector of industry I work in, education, I have had to deal with a fair sprinkling of them over the years. They tend not to get the point. :rolleyes:
You can probably find it on here as it this site details a whole lotta places in Wolverhampton. ;-)
PS Apologies @lemonjelly as I don't know you.
Derr. So 20th Century my question. Just googled it and found the following:
'The Town Commissioners planned this important street in September 1814 on the grounds that “the new street from High Green to the bottom of Salop Street will be highly beneficial to the Town”. It ran over land owned by...
Just a random thought... Bearing in mind Wolverhampton City Centre has lots of royal named streets and many referring to towns in our region, why on earth is one main street called 'Darlington'? Anybody got any idea?
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