I'm recording all of the old TOTP from BBC4. My god, people say chart music is bad these days - they clearly don't remember 1983. 99% shite. And New Order's live rendition of Blue Monday might be one of the worst things I've ever heard.
Cycled through the park this morning where they have a nice rose garden so now I have
And as the second comment says: That's some hard core "white people dancing" right there
Dan can't swim so this won't be of use to him, but several people at our kayak club have been "prescribed" kayaking for their back problems by their doctors and physios. Works wonders.
And I reckon after a certain age, all physical exercise is better done sitting down.
Manchester by the Sea - I have to say, I don't really see what all the fuss was about. It's basically a mid-afternoon TV movie melodrama with added Bostonian swearing. Watchable enough with good performances but nothing outstanding but it wasn't particularly interesting visually. And I don't...
I can recommend cycling for sorting out lower back problems. I used to suffer chronically but since I started cycling to work about 10 years ago, I haven't really suffered at all with it. And it's not necessary to be a lycra-clad road warrior with a top-end racing machine.
Yeah, I'm the same. Never quite connected with me in the same way as Mudhoney and Nirvana. Similar with Pearl Jam. They were still a big part of my early '90s musical landscape though. Awful news
He seems to be getting away with incompetence on a massive scale and demeaning his office with barely a hint of serious criticism. The reaction just seems to be, "That's Donald!"
Stop talking about him Dino and he'll be replaced on here by someone a bit less evil very soon, I'm sure, and then he'll be consigned to the history books where he belongs.
New single out by The National today, album out in September, tour dates in September - four nights at the Hammy Odeon (no, I'm still not going to call you the Eventim Apollo).
Day well and truly made.
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