The hosts have just informed me we're waaay over our space limit - so I can either shell out an extra 600 quid a year for their Business package, or we can prune some stuff.
Major areas I think are ripe are probably older PTG forums - do we really need to know who was bitching at who in 2014...
Mate messaged me the other day to ask what my plans were for England v Wales - we normally meetup and watch it in a random boozer. Not this time though - blagged a hospitality package. Box, free booze, 4 course meal, prime seats. Be rude not to...
FYI - On Wednesday 16th February there will be a short outage while the website is migrate to some snazzier hosting. Downtime is as yet unknown, but may be a few hours.
The point about Manny is spot on - the sort of shit sent that guy's way is criminal. He's a magnet for the worst kind of bottom feeder amongst our fanbase.
Isnt 'gambling' more about the risk threshold for doing something e.g a pass?
At the moment our players seem to be only making passes that are dead certs - so we go sideways and backwards a lot. We never seem to try that risky pass that 9 times out of ten is intercepted, but the other time...
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