Yeah he should. And some keepers save the 2nd yesterday but I don't think SJ ever does, and that's my drawback with him.
He seemed to play a bit further from his line yesterday (backed by stats versus his other games) but I don't think he likes that, again not something I put blame on him for...
See I don't think Johnstone has underperformed. This was my worry of what he is and he has performed actually to his previous ability. Would be an excellent short to mid term emergency keeper for a better team but is a worry as a main keeper as makes no "point winning saves."
People were...
The new contract is a worry, and I get there are some things that do feel out of his control but ultimately there are things that do seem to lie with him, worse still I don't know what his thinking or ideas are for the team and he has now pivoted again from what preseason seemed to be...
It's not about his Villa bias or dislike of Wolves. It's that despite his apparent failings as a manager, he could absolutely see what was coming and how Wolves hadn't responded.
Sherwoods win percentage is well above O'Neill's mind.
Said last week that it's the teams that take no unexpected points that put themselves in trouble. It's too difficult to now be looking at Brentford, Palace, Southampton and being "we need 9points" from that run as fixtures playing like we are, as the history of the league shows that's not how it...
Never joined before. If I pick a team am I locked from picking them again? Or just open every week?
Going Brighton regardless, but just so I know.
Pick - Brighton
I said I would have tried to move for him when someone asked who I would have targeted instead of Johnstone, and this hasn't changed that thinking. Was a time I wasn't that big a fan of Steele a few years ago but he has drastically altered that opinion since.
Well unless Johnstone is a clear and significant upgrade then I doubt it. My worry is we need an upgrade on keeper overall. Feel we are closer to Leicester making the mistake of messing around starting Ward which ultimately had a big part of their relegation. That we are at having cleverly...
I am also not comparing it like for like as it's a characteristic of Johnstone throughout his career. Not just with us. It's just useful to compare that sample.
Added to this is Johnstone now being the keeper. Through his two games so far his average starting position for nearly all actions is 10.5yards. Meaning he is the opposite of a sweeper. Sa was at 17. Only Sels, Ramsdale and Raya (which I was surprised about) have a lower starting average in the...
Yeah plus feel like they would be unlikely to make a deal like Doherty, or Johnstone where it felt like a cost cutting move rather than a football one.
Granted some of our signings look promising, but that's surrounded by other decisions that seem to contradict wanting to be as good as you...
The teams that go down are usually the ones that get zero unexpected points off the top sides. It's no good saying "let's see what happens." Forest just won away at Anfield. Where as we just let a team beat us that barely had to be competent for more than 4 minutes.
I highlighted this when we made the move that this was a characteristic of his. Very slow wind up with the ball in that controlled possession phase.
His long range kicking is much better mind.
Regardless of what people say about sa, he graded as a +8.9 on the expected goals scale in 23/24, and Johnstone was -6. That's pretty stark even if people disagree with that type of stat. Palace replaced SJ and then sold him, so that indicates they potentially viewed something in or near that...
Did they even put in a sensible offer for him though?
I know he irritated some, and his gamesmanship with the diving wound me up, but I always liked him. Always felt when I played and coached it was good to have someone like him on your side, and he proved that with the Hwang incident this...
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