Nah that's young person's bullshit, all the gammons I know (which is pretty much everyone) are anal when it comes to parking and general road courtesy.
People just don't care, as well as parking you can see it day to day in driving generally. We have an 'I'm all right jack' society.
Yes, I'm going full gammon today to get it out of my system.
If you think that's bad, try living next door to a load of students.
Personally, I have to check if I'm equidistant within parking bay lines and move it if not. Drives my missus nuts.
Sat and watched the video for the 1990s last night, it's fucking brilliant, despite it being Championship stuff it was great fun back then.
Cheers man for all your efforts.
My lad was living and working in Germany and was over for Christmas, Ipswich was the only game he went to that season and gave up one of his precious days over here, he was mot impressed.
Oh definitely the rest of the team and Nuno helped him but personally I think it's churlish to say he wasn't good in that period just cos he was shit before and shit after it.
This is the thing, no issue with him trying tactics and giving it plenty of time but he's had well over a season now and we're no different to when he came. We managed to put a good run together middle part of last season, even then we were a bit of a bombscare at the back. If he couldn't get...
My memory is fucked so apologies if I'm wrong but last season (maybe the previous one) didn't we have one of the best records for the first half of the season for defending set pieces?
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