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Good Food


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2011
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Just interested in everyone’s food likes and dislikes.
Like probably a lot on here I’m the chef in the house so coming up with something different is a must occasionally, so sharing different stuff is very beneficial.
Also interested in everyone’s opinion of experiences eating abroad and everyone’s favourite country’s cuisine.
I’ll start with my top 5:

1: Greek
2: Spanish
3: Japanese
4: Indian
5: Italian
Well this could be a really long thread!
Friday for lunch I had:
2 rounds of thick toast.
2 nicely fried eggs all golden and runny
Handful of fresh tomatoes cooked gently, salt and pepper, then pressed into half of a slice of toast with a splash of soy sauce over most of it.
I could have eaten 3 plates of that.
Like all kinds, all countries, 30 years of smoking dulled the finer tastes but I've eaten in multiple Michelin starred restaurants and eaten street food in Durban, but at the end of the day still cannot beat a bacon and egg sandwich (with your chosen sauce of preference):)
Like all kinds, all countries, 30 years of smoking dulled the finer tastes but I've eaten in multiple Michelin starred restaurants and eaten street food in Durban, but at the end of the day still cannot beat a bacon and egg sandwich (with your chosen sauce of preference):)
Ffs, why did you have to bring up sauce again, you'll set em all off again.

I would like to learn more about Malaysian, Korean, Vietnamese
Burmese, Thai, Korean, Vietnamese, Cypriot. And I bet the Thai food I eat isn't what others think of as Thai either, still easily on there even though it has put me in hospital for two nights before...there are some big regional differences between the north and south of Thailand for example too.

Paddy, you should have no problems exploring Korean and Vietnamese food and you won't regret it. In the UK I do notice outside London it's a massive struggle to get a host of this foods in their authentic forms.
Turkish seems to be a big cuisine over here too. The kebabs are a different world from the post ten pints scran at home.

In my old place in Wolvo I had the quite excellent Thai Food by David Thompson. Really explains the differences between the different sub cuisines and the recipes are amazing. Travelling light meant leaving my cookbooks behind but it is very much on the list to buy again.
I like almost all foods. I like almost every cuisine from around the world that I have ever tried (especially Indian and Italian).
But I cant deny that my favorites are:-

Fish and Chips (Polperro last year - best I've ever had)
Full English Breakfast (Bude, a couple of years ago).
Full roast dinner with all the trimmings (Cooked by Mrs HW, with me doing my Roast Potato specials!)
I like almost all foods. I like almost every cuisine from around the world that I have ever tried (especially Indian and Italian).
But I cant deny that my favorites are:-

Fish and Chips (Polperro last year - best I've ever had)
Full English Breakfast (Bude, a couple of years ago).
Full roast dinner with all the trimmings (Cooked by Mrs HW, with me doing my Roast Potato specials!)

Nothing wrong with British cuisine, its why I put it in my top 5
We've just had Sunday dinner. Roast beef *(rare) roast potatoes, Yorkshire puddings, cabbage, carrots, runner beans.
I had some vintage cheddar and crackers and a couple of glasses of Argentinian Malbec. For me that is hard to beat tbh.
Although I do like Indian, Malaysian and Italian food
* +Colman's mustard obvs.
For me...
Chinese / Cantonese
British (currently missing a good fish and chips or a steak and kidney pie
However a honorable mention goes to