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Recent content by Jabbawolf

  1. Jabbawolf

    2024 General Election Thread

    Plenty, thanks, or I wouldn’t have commented.
  2. Jabbawolf

    2024 General Election Thread

    That “awful section of society” I guess you are alluding to is probably not the section that will be most welcoming of this position - cis-women across the political spectrum want this clarification.
  3. Jabbawolf

    2024 General Election Thread

    This is ignorant nonsense.
  4. Jabbawolf

    2024 General Election Thread

    A lot of those born female feel extremely strongly about this issue.
  5. Jabbawolf

    VAR Stay or Go

    I agree the line has to be drawn somewhere, but why one toenail? Why not two toenails? It’s just arbitrary. If we can get an offside system that says that the forward is ahead of the defender by any measure, however minute, that would be clear and fair to me. That, and goal line technology...
  6. Jabbawolf

    VAR Stay or Go

    What objective measure is the spirit of the law?
  7. Jabbawolf

    General Wolves News

    How rude? Most fans know he played for Newcastle United.
  8. Jabbawolf

    Luton (H) 27/4 - Build-Up & Match Thread

  9. Jabbawolf

    Fans Against VAR - Join us

    Daylight - there has to be daylight between two whole bodies or no overlap between parts of the body that can be scored with….sounds like creating just another grey area.
  10. Jabbawolf

    Fans Against VAR - Join us

    Yep, it was a touch on Harry Wilson.
  11. Jabbawolf

    Fans Against VAR - Join us

    I was really referring to decisions that take ages to scrutinise - can’t remember the game, but there was no penalty given against us late on in real time yet, after around a dozen slo-mo’s, it was given. To me, offside is offside, or else you have to settle on some arbitrary margin that isn’t...
  12. Jabbawolf

    Fans Against VAR - Join us

    Was just going to post the same - if a lino can’t see such an obvious offside, we need technology - VAR’s weakness for me is far more subjective decisions.
  13. Jabbawolf

    Fans Against VAR - Join us

    It was clear to anyone who isn’t being blinded by their dogma.
  14. Jabbawolf

    Fans Against VAR - Join us

    Do you have a proper reply? Are you in favour of wrong decisions?
  15. Jabbawolf

    Fans Against VAR - Join us

    He’s offside - why is that awful?